Chapter 7: Oh God What Have I Got Myself Into?

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Oh go what have I got
Myself into?

When we got back to my house we all set in a circle "Who wants to ask first?" Shane asks "I will." Josh says
"Tristan truth or dare?" He asks

"Dare." Tristan says "I dare you to write 'Loser' on you head." Josh says "here." Kayla says giving Josh a
pen so he can write it on Tristan's head "Where did you get that pen from?" I ask Kayla

"On the couch." Kayla says
"My turn. Shane truth or dare?" Tristan asks

"Dare." Shane says smirking "I dare you to spill water on your self and
go threw this whole game wet." Tristan says Shane does as told everyone laughs at him "Ok now it's my turn." Shane says

"Fern, Truth or dare?" He asks "Uhh truth?" I say more of a question "Chicken." Josh says "I'm not a chicken." I say "Sure." He says

"Fine dare." I say "Fern? Don't you know that you should never pick dare in this game with boys? It's like a
rule." Kayla says

"A rule? A rule to what?" I ask "I don't know it just is!" She says "Ok
is it going to be truth or dare?" Shane asks "Dare." I say

"Ok. So I dare you to...umm ask Jonas out." Shane says "Who's that?" Kayla asks "A friend in Miami" I say looking threw my contacts "Should I text him? Or call him?" I ask "Call!" Josh says as I click the call button oh god what have I got my self into?

(F-Fern J-Jonas)

J- Hey! Fern I miss you so much!
"Put it on speaker." Tristan whisper yells and I do so

F-I miss you to!!

J- How's life in Tennessee?

F- It's great!

J- Good for you! So do you have a crush yet? Is there a new hit boy there?

F- Nope

J- So anyways...why did you call me?

F- Just to say how hot you are.
I say and everything go's quiet and I can hear talking oh god...

J- What? I think I heard you wrong. Say that again.

F- umm...your hot?

J- Are you drunk Fern?

F- No. I'm not drunk.

J- Is this Fern?

F- No it's Elmo! Of course it's me!

J- Are you feeling alright?

F- Yes I'm fine!

J- Ok...well...

F- I have a crush on you.
I say reading the paper Shane wrote for me

J- Ummmm........Fern?

F- Yea?

J- I don't feel the same way...can we please stay friends?

F- I would love that

J- Thank god.

F- Hey Jonas? Just one more thang.

J- Yea Fern?

F- This was a dare. Sorry I love you though!!

J- Are you for real?! You got me so scared Fern!!

F- Am I really that bad to date?

F & J- (Laughing)

J- I just think of you as my sister!

F- Well I got to go lovvve youuuuu bye!!!

J- Love ya bye!

"Well...that's not what I expected." Shane says "Same." Kayla says

"My turn! Truth or dare Kayla?" I ask "Truth." She says "Chi-" Josh starts but Kayla interrupted "That doesn't work on my Mr. Josh." She says

"Mr. Josh?" Josh asks "What?" She asks "Anyways. Is it true you have a crush? Or at least think someone's cute?" I ask her she starts blushing "Oh my gosh you do!" I say

"Yea...." She says turning redder "Awwww your blushing! Sooo who is it?? Tell me!" I say

"No! If you had a crush you wouldn't go around telling people!" Kayla says "True...." I say "Exactly." Kayla says "We all know Fern has a crush on me." Tristan says

"Shut up! I hate you." I say "Fern we all know you have this big crush on me." Tristan says smirking

"Wait...I have a question." Kayla says "I have an answer." I say "Are you and Shane twins? Or...I'm so confused." She says "Yea. We are twins" I say

"That's so cool! I've always wanted a twin!" Kayla says "But why don't you look a like?" Josh asks

"Because not all twins look a like." Shane says rolling his eyes "They don't?" Josh asks "What grade are you in?" I ask Josh glares at me

"Well I mean that was a stupid question." I say after a hour we all lay on the floor talking about stupid stuff and staring at the sealing

"I still can't believe we got tattoos." Kayla says "I know right? Moms going to kill me" I say "Do you ever want to do something to make a mark on the world?" Tristan asks we all look at him confused

"Like....finding something to help cancer...something no one will forget you for." He explains "You mean like the mark we made on on skins? You will never come off" I say

"Your such a goody goody!" Tristan says "Well I can't help it!" I say

"I'm going to find a nickname for you.....good girl? No it's used way to much...... How about peach?" He asks "Peach? Out of every word in this pick that one?" I ask

"Sure did peaches." He says I grown "Nooo" I say

"Oh yes." He says that I think about it why do boys smirk so much? Girls will never know....

"I'm going to cook you want to help Kayla?" I ask her "Sure!" She says getting up we walk to the kitchen and make mac & cheese when the boys come in

"What you cooking?" Shane asks "Your favorite." I say he looks in the pot "Fern?" He asks "Yes dear brother?" I ask

"Mac & cheese is your favorite not mine." He says glaring at me "Then you cook! I'm not your maid! I cook what I want!" I say

"How are you my twin?" He asks "Give me freedom or give me death!" I say "Give me a rest!" He says I frown while finishing the Mac & cheese

Hey guys!!! Do you like the chapter?! I hope you did!! Anyways got to go love all of you bye!!! <3
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