Chapter 16: It Was You All Along?

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^^ I don't even know I just though...what should I put up there? It's just to...boring for my yea...Elsa happened....❄️⛄️

<(^-^)>❄️ Bloob likes to make it snow.......

Bloob not sick anymore yay! Anyways continue

It was you all along?

"What was...Uhh what?" I ask confused about...well....everything that he has said and done "Fern....I like you..a lot" He says we stare at each other for...I don't even know how long it was but then we stop and get out I speed walk away

"Fern...please say something..." He says running up next to me  "Say something? Say what Tristan?" I ask looking at him

"That you like me back!!! I don't know!!!" He yells we walk faster

"I don't know how I feel! OK?! You're my brothers bestfriend Tristan! What am I supposed to say to you?!" I ask now yelling "What about Kayla?!" Tristan yells "What about her?!" I yell back

"She's dating your brother! And your her bestfriend! So why can't we?!" He yells "Because Tristan!" I yell "BECAUSE WHY?!"

"The last time I dated one of his friends he cheated on me! And that ruined their friendship! I don't want that to happen to you two!" I yell "Fern please! Just give me a chance! One chance!" He be honest I have liked him for a long time I just never did anything about it...

"Please...just...think about it" He says..
If I think about it then it won't be that bad...right?

"I'll think about it.." I say "Thank you, thank you! You won't regret it!" He says....sorry but just because I like him doesn't mean I'm not going to say this...desperate much?

Cole runs up to us "He guys! Where did y'all go? Why did you leave me? I was looking everywhere for you guys!" He says throwing his hands up into the air "We were looking for you to!" I say "we were?" Tristan asks confused

"Yes! We were!" I say nodding at Tristan "Ooohhh yea we were." He says

"Yeaaa OK. Right. Well I'm going to go get some popcorn I'll be right back." Cole says walking away "That was close." Tristan says I nod agreeing "So it was you all along?" I ask

"I was what?" He asks confused "You were the one that left all of those notes on my window...right?" I ask "Oh that...yes that was me.." He said "Hey! Fern! Tristan!" My brother yells as him and Kayla come up to us

"There's going to be fireworks!!" Kayla says exited "FOR REAL?! YAY!!" I yell as a boy and his girlfriend walk by looking at me like I'm crazy "You got a problem?" I ask

"Uhh yes. I do have a problem. Your yelling hurting my ears" She says I clap "Great grammar" I say laughing "What are you the grammar police?" She asks chuckling

"I am acutely" I say nodding "How so?" The boy asks "I got strait A's." I say

"Yea OK." The girl says rolling her eyes "Yes. Keep rolling you're eyes you might find a brain back there" I say Kayla laughs

"You might talk a big game but you can't do a big game." The girl says walking closer she's a foot taller than me "I do talk a big game. But I can do a big game on that cake face of yours" I say

"A cake face? Is that even a thing?" She asks chuckling "Yes it is a thing. It's when a girl puts on so much makeup to cover up the there rotten heart. Like you!" Kayla says pointing to the girl I nod "Exactly what I was thinking" I say

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