2| Small Things

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This chapter listen to Small Things by Ben Howard

When I arrived home, mum and Phil were in the lounge watching the large TV screen and immediately invited me to join.

"The football's on!" Phil announced, trying to make a fatherly effort.

I didn't like Phil and I was sure he didn't like me very much either. He put up with me because of mum and he brought me things and tried to make me feel welcome in his family but I could see right through him and I wasn't falling for his act. He wasn't a father to me, and what annoyed me most was that he was trying to be.

"Only you enjoy that, Phil." I told him, walking towards the lounge to reach the staircase that sat beside it.

"Oh come on, love." Mum said, moving over a little on her spot on the couch. "It's a good game."

I stopped by the entrance to the lounge and looked at her. "I was hoping to go read." I told her, holding up the book that was safely being held in my left hand. "And I don't like sports."

Mum sighed. "Alright. Dinner will be up soon, then. Right, Maria?"

Maria, who was folding washing in the lounge, suddenly turned to look at me and I looked at her at the same time. Maria was the only one that knew about my disorder and she was probably the only one that cared too. Of course mum noticed my body size and weight, but she kept telling herself it was because I was a teenager and when I didn't eat dinner at the table, she thought it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

Maria looked back down at the towel she was folding and nodded shyly.

"Great! I'm starving!" Phil boasted.

"You could make your own food." I told him accusingly, anger getting to me again. It really annoyed me the way he treated Maria. She was a maid, not a servant. And because she was such a shy woman, she took every order he yelled at her.

Phil turned to look at me. "Excuse me?"

"This is Maria's job, Heather." Mum reasoned.

I saw Maria look down at her hands warily, listening but not wanting to get involved into the conversation.

"Maria's busy." I told them. "Doing your work. Make your own food."

Phil laughed lightly, trying to brush the comment off like I was a two year old that said stupid things. "I can't make food as well as Maria!" He laughed to himself, turning the situation into a joke.

I frowned at him and walked over to Maria and took the towel from her tired looking hands and started to fold it. Maria looked at me with a shocked expression. "Go cook his arrogant self some food." I whispered to her. She gave a small smile before nodding and scurrying to the kitchen.

"Heather, you don't have to do that." Mum said.

"Oh, I'm only doing mine." I said, folding another pink towel that was rightfully mine and studying the pile which had nothing left I owned in it. I then gave her a smug smile as I grabbed my three towels and held them to my chest. "Enjoy the game!" I chirped before running upstairs and into my room.

I placed my towels on the vanity in my ridiculously large en-suite and turned my record player on before sitting down on my bed. The player had been my dad's and also most of the records I had. But there was a shop in the middle of town that sold pretty much any artist on a record. They told me once that they had some sort of software that downloaded songs onto discs and apparently, it could put them onto records. I didn't understand the logic of it all but I didn't complain as they sold it all for a cheap price and the money went to the artists. So as well as my many old records, I had new ones too. I enjoyed the player much more than an electrical one.

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