19| Surprises

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As the week went on, Harry kept surprising me with date venues. Almost everyday he would take me somewhere new and somewhere completely wonderful. Yesterday, we had gone ice skating and I was horrible. I mean, not just fall-over-sometimes horrible, I was crawl-around-on-the-ice-because-I-couldn't-get-up horrible.

And Harry was no help whatsoever.

"Harry!" I cried, as I scrambled to get up, only ending up back on my face again. The wet, cold ice soaked my clothes as I slipped around, desperately trying to stand up. There was something about the slippery surface and my balance that just wasn't cooperating. As soon as I had stepped onto the ice, and Harry let go of my hand, I fell to the ground, landed straight on my face, and I hadn't been able to get back up since.

Beside me, Harry was clutching his stomach as he almost died of laughter. I screamed at him, waving my hand around in his face as I slipped again, my nose pressing right against the ice. Long story short, Harry finally picked me up and I gave him the cold shoulder for the whole walk home and made him carry me as he repeatedly told me he was sorry. Then he kissed me and I had to try really hard to not kiss him back, but I ended up doing so anyway.

Then the day before that, we had a picnic on the beach which was nice. Harry had made some things with his mum and I almost spat out my water when he showed me that he had also made the healthy slice that he had complained about when we first texted. I told him that I simply had to try it and only made it to the second mouthful when I spat it all out, Harry and I both laughing. We put the slice to the side and ate the sandwiches, cupcakes and brownie slices. I was actually surprised at how well I ate. I ate two finger sandwiches, one cupcake, and one brownie. I was getting better. Much better. The old me was so past and gone that I barely even remembered how I felt then.

After eating, Harry and I went for a swim in the ocean. Well, not really a swim. More of a splash about. And again, I got more wet than him. So again, I made him carry me home. We kissed, then he told me he'd see me tomorrow. Just like every other day.

We went rollerblading on the Monday. I was better at that than I was at ice skating because the ground wasn't as slippery. I made Harry grip onto my hand and I managed to not fall down once. Then as well as rollerblading, ice skating and having a picnic, Harry took me to a museum. But not to look. No. He took me so that we could play hide and seek in the museum. We got caught on our third round, Harry hiding in the sacred canoe that apparently was the canoe the first Europeans rode in, and the security guard made us leave.

And now, it was a new week. And it was my turn. Not that I didn't love Harry's surprise dates, but I wanted to plan one for a change. So I took him to-

"The aquarium?!" Harry cried as we stood outside the large Manchester Aquarium building. Brightly painted fish decorated the sides and families with young children got out of cars and headed inside.

I turned to Harry and grinned. "Ta-daaa!"

"The aquarium." He said again. "The aquarium."

"Hey! The aquarium is great fun!" I protested.

"Says who?!" He cried. "Old people? Fish fanatics? Who, Heather? Who the fuck ever goes to the aquarium?"

I pretended to look hurt. "Harry, if you can't accept my love for fish than I'm afraid we can't be friends."

"Love for fish my ass."

I grabbed his arm and started tugging him along. "Come on! It'll be cool!"

Harry sighed but let me drag him inside. Once we had paid for our 'entry tickets', Harry and I joined the tour that was about to start. We were taken to a huge double sided aquarium and the tour guide stopped to point out the many different colourful fish. I gasped in wonder at all the swarms of fish floating around and above us, the only thing separating us from each other was the glass.

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