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When I woke up, I found myself in Harry's room in his old house. I sat up, confused, only to fall back onto the bed again as I clutched my head in pain. The sunlight from the window hurt my eyes and I groaned before placing my arms over my face, blocking everything out.

I heard footsteps and I moved my arms away to see Harry creeping into the room. he relaxed when he saw me awake. "Oh, hi. I didn't know if you were asleep or not." He said, coming over to me and handing me some pills and water.

"I feel horrible." I groaned, sitting up to chug down the water.

"Well, let's hope that doesn't last."

"What happened last night? I can't remember anything." I said. "And why am I here? Why are you looking after me? We haven't talked in days."

Harry sighed. "You got a bit drunk last night-"

"Drunk?!" I repeated. My hands flew down to my stomach and my eyes widened. "The baby......is-"

"It's fine. I hope." Harry finished.

"I...I can't believe I went out and got drunk. I...I'm so sorry! Oh god, Harry, if something happens to the baby then it'll be all my fault!" I cried, my head thumping in pain from the sudden rise in voice tone. I clutched it again and groaned.

"Heather, it's okay. Don't freak out. Here, take these and rest a little." Harry said, handing me two small white pills. "They'll help with the headache."

I sighed and took them before swallowing them with my water. I leant my head back on the headboard and nodded.

"And as for the hangover...." Harry said, getting off the bed. "You hungry?"

"Even thinking about food makes me want to vomit." I said disgustedly. "Speaking of vomit, did I last night?"

Harry shrugged. "A few times, but it was okay. You went to sleep pretty fast."

I wanted to say more things to him but I couldn't muster up the energy to. So I just closed my eyes.

"I still think you should eat something. Eggs are great for hangovers." Harry said.

"Sure, okay." I mumbled.

"I'll go get started on them then." Harry said, his voice getting fainter.

"Yeah, I'll come down in a minute." I said softly, falling slowly back to sleep.


I walked down the stairs about half an hour later to find Harry sitting at his dining table eating eggs on toast. There was another plate beside him untouched and I stumbled to the chair and sat down, picking up the fork warily.

"Tea?" Harry asked me.

"Ugh, yes please." I replied, biting a little bit of egg and swallowing it. I felt my whole stomach churn and I pushed the plate away. "I'm sorry, I can't do it."

He sighed. "That's okay. You can eat something at lunch." He said, handing me a cup of steaming hot tea.

I sipped it cautiously, the hot liquid running down my throat, and looked around at the quiet and peaceful house. "Where's your family?" I asked.

"Work." Harry replied. "I took the day off."


"For you, of course."

I placed my cup down on the table. "Harry, what are you doing?"

He looked at me, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Acting like you actually give two shits about me when I know you don't." I snapped. My headache was coming back but I ignored it, my eyes burning into Harry's.

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