17| Love

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Over the next week or so, Harry and I did everything we possibly could with each other. We became that inseparable couple that made people envious but also annoyed. We’d spend every minute of every day with one another and then, if we weren’t hanging out, we were talking on the phone.

I had never felt so close to someone before as I did with Harry. Apart from my dad. Often there were times when I wondered if I had held onto my dad’s death for so long because I feared no one else would love me the same. But then Harry came along and I realised I hadn’t had one lonely thought about my dad since.

In some ways it scared me how dependent I was towards Harry. My whole life now revolved around him; if he left, I would be nothing. Just like before. But then in other ways, the thought was comforting. Because someone was always going to be there for me, looking out for me.

I had also become a little more friendlier to my mum, and Phil. We sat around the dinner table every night and I ate what I could. I had told mum about my eating issue, and she had surprisingly supported me. Harry was there with me when I told her, and he told mum that he was helping me in the best way he could, and she promised she would too. I was getting better. A lot better. I could eat about one sausage and three vegetables in one sitting at dinner, and half a muffin whenever Harry and I went out for lunch, as well as a full glass of orange juice, fizzy drink or some sort of milkshake. 

As well as my eating issue getting better, I looked more happier. Ford had picked up on it a bunch of times, and mum did too when I started conversations with her. I also had started talking to my old friends again and Harry and I soon joined their little group. We hung out with them occasionally, going out to cafe’s and meeting up with them at get togethers, but mostly Harry and I stuck to ourselves and the company we gave each other.

Harry never failed to surprise me. He had taken me out on a few more dates since the movie drive-in. And I barely ever left his house as most nights, I would sleep over. His mother and sister liked me, and my mother and Phil liked him. 

We were completely infatuated with one another. Totally and utterly in love to the point where just seeing each other drove us crazy. And I loved it.


"Oh my god!" I cooed, watching the teenage couple kiss on screen as Harry and I sat in the dark cinema, me clutching onto his arm. "They got together!"

"Oh, like that wasn’t predictable." Harry said bluntly.

I smacked him on the arm as the couple walked off into the sunset. The ending credits rolled up the screen and the lights came back on. I let go of Harry and sat back up straight. “That movie was so cute!”

He outstretched his arms and yawned. “Totally cliché if you ask me.” Harry said. “I mean, the girl has liked him from day one, but he doesn’t know she exists. You know by the end that they’re going to kiss.”

"Well, no one asked you." I said, standing up and pulling Harry to his feet. He leapt up and came face to face with me. I smirked at him. "Wanna re-enact the ending?"

Harry laughed and pecked me lightly on the lips before pulling away and grabbing my hand. “Come on, love.” He said, pulling me out of the theatre and outside.

It was dark outside, but I knew it only had to have been around 8:30. Harry and I started walking to the direction of my house as he was staying over tonight. He hadn’t been in my room as much as I had been in his. That was mainly because I preferred his room to mine and really, I just loved being in that house.

"I reckon the scary movie would have been better." Harry said to me as we walked along the dark streets, the street lights lighting up our path. It wasn’t too cold out. It was Autumn now and mostly the air never really got freezing cold. Cars were heard in the distance as they drove around and most people’s lights were on in their homes. My house wasn’t too far away from the cinema so we wouldn’t have  to walk far.

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