26| My Own Theory

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When I opened my eyes, I didn't know what was happening. I was in an ambulance, lying flat on some kind of stretcher and things were already plugged into me. I looked around frantically, trying to find Harry's face that I had seen not too long ago.

"Harry?" I croaked out, another wave of pain hitting my stomach.

A young man dressed in a full blue suit appeared over me and I asked for Harry again. He looked behind him and then back at me. "Who?"

"Harry. Where is he?" I asked. "What's going on?"

"The boy she came with." Another man supplied.

The man in front of me nodded, then shook his head. "I'm sorry, but he isn't here. Do you know where you are?"

Every now and then my stretcher jolted and shook as we sped along the road, the sirens wailing. I tried to sit up, but the man pushed me gently back down. "Just relax." He told me.

"Where's Harry?!" I demanded. "Why isn't he here? He's always here. Whenever I need him, he's always there."

"He didn't hop on the ambulance. I'm sorry, love. But we don't know where he is."

I didn't understand. Why wouldn't Harry ride in the ambulance with me? They were lying. They had done something to him. "Get me out of here! Get me Harry!" I cried.

"He said something about meeting us at the hospital, didn't he?" The another man asked. "He just had to do something."

"Right, he did too." The first man said, looking back at me. "It's alright, he'll be with you soon. Is anything hurting?"

I relaxed then. He'd be with me soon. "My stomach. What's happening?"

The man placed another arm band on me. "You're pregnant yes?"

"Yes, two months away. Is something wrong with the baby? Please, no." I panicked. Two months away! It couldn't all end now.

"We're not sure yet, miss." The man said, my stretcher jolting as we hit another speed bump. "But you'll be at the hospital soon and they will help you."

"Please, just tell me the baby will be okay." I said.

"I'm sure it will be." The man said. "Just relax and we'll be there soon."

I sighed, breathing in and out to ignore the pain I was currently feeling. I wondered where Harry was, and why he hadn't come with me. But then we had arrived at the hospital, and everything seemed to happen at once. I was rushed out of the ambulance and into the hospital, speeding down the hallways to a room. I kept looking around for Harry, but I couldn't see him anywhere.

I was rushed into a room with many doctors buzzing around and a few very hurt patients. I was placed in a corner and immediately several doctors came to me, putting things I didn't know of on me and asking questions.

They talked to the ambulance drivers and took my temperature and hooked me up to machines and needles and my head started to spin. I just wanted Harry. Where was he?

"Heather, can you hear me?" A nurse asked me, suddenly peering over me. "I'm Rachel, a nurse here."

I groaned as the pain in my stomach grew heavier and nodded, just to show her I could hear her.

"There's something happening to the baby that is affecting you." Rachel explained. "We're trying to fix the problem, so just stay relaxed."

"What do you mean?" I cried. "What's happening? Is everything okay?!"

"Because of the shape of your body, you aren't coping with the pregnancy."

"But, but, I have this whole time!" I said. "I've been fine!"

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