11|With or Without You

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"I hear this place is great." Harry said, shutting down the car and undoing his seatbelt. "You ever been here?"

I swallowed deeply and told myself to get a grip. "Uh, no." I said.

"Oh really? Well it's a real adventure then." Harry smiled, stepping out of the car.

I panicked. What was I going to do? I couldn't just not eat, Harry would notice. And then he'd ask questions and I couldn't have him knowing the answers to the questions because he had asked me out when he didn't know. Which means he liked the normal me. The fake me. As soon as I showed him who I really was I knew he'd run.

Harry opened his car door again and leant in. "Heather?"

My head shot up and I realised I was still sitting down, buckled in the car. "Oh, yeah. Coming." I said, undoing my seatbelt and getting out of the car.

"Is everything okay?" Harry asked me once I had joined him.

I shook my head. "Yeah, totally! Um, shall we go. It's cold out here." I said, stepping forward.

Harry just looked at me and nodded before leading me inside.

Once we were inside, the aroma of everything hit me. The restaurant was a large one with old western decorations. The chatter from all the customers mixed in with the live band playing and the bright white light all started giving me a slight headache. I could smell food everywhere and I watched as a waitress walked past us holding two plates filled to the top with meat and vegetables.

"We didn't need to make a reservation." Harry told me. "So where would you like to sit?"

Away from everything. "Uh, there's good." I said, pointing to an empty two seater table that was sitting upstairs, looking down at the stage.

Harry grinned and nodded and we walked up the stairs and took our seats. He immediately started looking at the menu and I shifted my gaze to the band on stage. There were four guys. One singing, one on drums, on on bass, and one on electric guitar. They were actually pretty good. There was a dance floor set up and some people were on it already as the band continued to play some folk song. My gaze was torn away as Harry spoke to me.

"What are you going to get?" He asked me, looking up from his menu.

I looked down at my closed menu. "Uh, not sure..."

Harry put down his menu. "Heather, what's wrong?"

I looked at him to find him staring at me intently. "Nothing." I told him smoothly. "I was just distracted by the band." I said, opening my menu and pretending to read it.

"Really? Because ever since we got here you've been acting real strange. You were fine in the car. I don't get it?" Harry pushed.

I covered my face with the menu so that he wouldn't see my reaction. "I'm fine!" I choked, scanning all the food choices. Everything was so expensive...

"Heather, look at me."

I ignored him.


The chips were the only thing that had a reasonable price and-

"Heather!" Harry cried, grabbing the menu and slamming it down on the table. I jumped at the sudden action and stared at him. He stared right back with a stern expression and I knew he wasn't going to let the topic go.

"It's nothing." I told him. I couldn't tell him everything. What was I supposed to say? I don't eat because my dad died when I was 13 and he was my best friend, and then I tried to kill myself and I hate myself, but you don't know any of that because for this whole time I've been lying to you and hey, please stay with me and fix me. "I'm sorry." I said, my gaze lowering to the menu again. "Um, the chicken salad looks nice."

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