23| Space

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"Ugh! Stupid god damned bookshelf. Useful for fucking nothing!" I screamed as I continued to force a book back into the middle of a shelf that was neatly lined with books. I stood further on my tip toes and and just when I finally thought I had the book placed carefully, about ten more came toppling down.

"Oh for fuck sakes!" I screamed, kicking at the old wooden bookshelf that had been in my room more many years, holding all my beloved books. I had never been so angry at it before but right now it was doing my bloody head in. I shrieked in a sort of shock/pain as a hard covered book fell on my foot.

"Heather?" Harry yelled out from the distance.

I screamed again as more books came falling on top of me like some book avalanche and within seconds Harry was at the door. "Heather? What the hell?"

"It's this fucking bookshelf!" I screamed, struggling to back away from the falling books. "Why is it even here? It's stupid! It doesn't even bloody hold books! What the hell? I hate this thing! HARRY!"

The books stopped falling and I turned around to see Harry covering his mouth, stifling laughter.

"Are you laughing at me?" I snapped.

Harry pulled a straight face. "Of course not, babe."

Another book fell on my head and I screamed before pushing my bookshelf against the wall several times, screaming horrible words at it. "You stupid, stupid thing!" I yelled.

"Heather!" Harry yelled, his voice high as he tried not to laugh. He rushed over to my side and pulled my arms away from the bookshelf and turned my body towards him. "It's okay." He laughed. "Calm down."

Then, I started crying. "I broke it."


"I broke the bookshelf!" I screamed.

Harry couldn't stop laughing. "Yeah, that's because you were banging it against the wall two seconds ago."

"So you're blaming it on me?"


"This is all my fault. That's what you're saying." I cried, pushing away from him.

"Heather, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Oh, now there's something wrong with me?" I accused.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair before lightly laughing. "I love you. I love you so much that it's insane."

I just looked at him and even in my very emotional, messed up state that I was in right now, it baffled me as to how he could say something like that. I had random emotional outbursts a lot and I knew that I was overreacting as I screamed at Harry for eating the last cookie or fighting the bookshelf, but I couldn't control myself. I was taking pills that were supposed to help but I guess that was just another addition to the whole pregnancy problem.

"I'm sorry." I said, shaking my head.

Harry smiled and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me lightly on the forehead. "Don't be."

I sighed. "I'm so ready to just have this baby. I'm sick of all this lead up."

Harry stroked my hair like I was some frightened pet. "Five more months!"

I groaned and pulled away from him. "Harry, are we doing okay?"

He studied me. "Why do you ask?"

I sat down on my usual reading chair and sighed. "I don't know. I just.....I hate to think that we're struggling. I mean, are we?"

Harry shoved his hands in his pockets. "I think we're doing okay. We're happy, right?"

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