Prologue Part 1

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"You'll never catch me!!",I howl in the wind. My feet carry me as fast as I can go, the tall grass tickling my sides.

"That's what you think!", Ethan roared. He was on my tail fast.

I had to act quick if I didn't want him to catch me. I looked left, than right and caught sight of my mother. With an immediate turn I almost slipped in a puddle of mud. Balancing myself I ran towards my mother. Her wolf form was large in the distance, she stood talking to Ethan's mom.

Right as I was about to reach her Ethan tackled me from behind. He pounced on my small frame earning a loud yelp from me.

Our mothers ears immediately pricked up they raced over to us. Ethan stood over me with a paw on each side of me. He howled a proud one, as he has won our game of chase. Ethan's mom lifted him off of me and tossed him playfully to the ground.

"Mom!",he yelped and continued to play with her.

My mother stood over me and lowered her nose to touch mine,"Are you ok?"

I gave a big wolf grin and jumped up on my feet. She looked admiringly down at me as I walked over to Ethan, but he was too busy with his mom.


A loud howl echoed through the hills. Our Alpha was signaling danger. My mom immediately stood protectively over me. I looked around but saw nothing. Every mother stood over their young, ready to protect us from whatever was out there.

Ethan was whining behind me. I locked eyes with him making sure he was ok. He lowered down to the ground cowardly. I made a soothing sound to calm him as we waited for our Alpha to signal us further.


Minutes go by until he roared. It all happen so quickly. All the moms grabbed their young ones and ran for the village. My heart raced as I glanced in the distance of the males fighting. Lightning fast creatures pounced on them, and they pounced back.


My face went cold as I saw my father get tackled by one. I struggled to get out of my moms mouth. It hurt me to see my father get thrown down. I felt protective over my loved one and had to do something to help.

"Dad! Daddy!",I howled as loud as I could.

He couldn't hear me from this distance, maybe it was for the best. I didn't want to distract him. I couldn't fight against my mom anyways. So I let myself go limp in her mouth. After a moment I saw him get back up and my heart swelled. He's okay. My mom busted into our hut, putting me on the couch and then rushing back to the door. She shifted back into a human and locked the door. She grabbed a robe on the near by closet, wrapping it around her naked body. She turned back around frantic at me but refused to leave the front door.

"Sierra, shift back honey. Once you do I need you to go in your room, and once you do you don't come out! You don't come out for anything!",my mother said sternly to me.

I wasn't going to say no to her. I gave a small nod obediently I ran into my room, it took a little bit for me to shift back.. It was still painful.. I was still so young, so new to it. I locked my bedroom door and got dressed. I let out a deep sigh. We had gone through this practice so many times. Its scary to know that after this it won't be like a practice. We won't all walk out of our huts with laughter. We would probably lose some wolves today. I knew Ethan would be in his room too, so I climbed up onto my bed and got to the window. Desperately trying to find comfort in my best friend's eyes.

In relief he was already waiting for me across the way in his hut. He placed his hand on his window and I did the same on mine. We refused to break eye contact away from each other. He looked terrified. I could practically see him trembling. I was doing the same. In the corner of my eye I could see blood being splattered like water. It looked like war outside, and I was so close to looking away and curling in a ball until it was over. But Ethan and I had to be there for each other. The painful howls from our pack could deafen me. I felt tears spring to my eyes as I could hear my dads howl in the crowd. My heart ached and Ethan could tell something was wrong. He sat there frantic, not knowing what to do. He kept mouthing 'are you okay?'. I could only shake my head, he couldn't hear my answer from way over there.

My head snapped toward my bedroom door as I heard the front door tear open. My mom yelled but it was short. I knew she has just been ripped from the house, from me. I looked back at Ethan's house and saw his mom being dragged out of his house. Obviously no longer alive.

He was crying hard now, his breath fogging up the window. I couldn't put together my feelings until a wolf landed between the two houses.

My father.

I screamed looking at all of the wound's, cuts, and slashes he had scattered all over his body. I looked back up to him and at that moment we both realized our parents were gone. I jumped off my bed and grabbed my back pack. I hesitated but opened my bedroom door.

The strong scent of blood filled my nose as I walked into the living room. I couldn't look, I knew who it was. I knew my mom laid dead on the couch, but I couldn't bring myself to look at her. I ran out the door instead, not grabbing any supplies of any sort. I looked left and right before running right towards Ethan's house. He was already running out of the front door. We knew what we had to do.

Either we ran away. Or we die like the rest of them.

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