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I woke up on something warm.

I turn my head slightly and see Ethan below me. I put my hands on his chest to lift myself up but the fur laid on top of me made it much harder. His arms were tightly locked around me and I knew there was no way I'd be getting up unless he did. So I lay my head back down on his firm chest. My head raise and fell with his breathing, it was soothing. I couldn't help the smile that found its way to my face. His scent, his warmth; it invaded my senses.  His heartbeat was pounding in my ear. I wish I could keep this moment infinite. But I know we had to get up, we had to hunt.


He squints one eye. With a smirk he closes it again.

"Ethan, come on. It isn't funny. We have to get up",I put my hands on his chest again and push myself against his arms.

"No",he mumbles.

"I'm serious. Let me up",I groan and push myself harder. I knew then I had to guilt trip him to let me up," I'm really hungry Ethan"

He lets go of me and sat up. We sat there for a moment, me straddling him. Our eyes met and I felt an unfamiliar feeling warm my chest. My hands were still on him, and I force myself to sit up. I back up a few steps and try to make myself concentrate. I simply couldn't with him still staring at me. His eyes burning into the side of my face. So I fled the cave.

The storm had passed, but the floor of the forest had felt its wrath. There were puddles of water, but most of it was still covered in feet deep of snow. Branches of the trees above had fallen to the ground. Nests made from birds were buried half way in snow. To my luck there were dead birds, and rabbits scattered. I pick up each one and make my way back to the cave.

I stop in my tracks. The reason I was out here was to clear my head. So I drop the prey in a pile and start removing my clothing. The winter weather bit at my skin, and goosebumps rise on my legs. Once completely naked I allowed my wolf to take over and shift. I was immediately warm, the fur coat doing its job.

I took off north. The wind guides me, I felt weightless as my legs carried me through the forest. It was breathtaking, the way the tree's soar to the sky. A couple had fallen over due to the storm and I had to jump over them. I gracefully did, and my paws landed heavy on the ground.

The moment ended as I could feel the floor vibrate beneath me. My ears perk to try and hear anything in particular. I looked left to right but nothing was there. I was confused. Just then I saw a group of wolves running no more than a hundred feet away. Easily 30 of them. I immediately crouch to the ground, hopefully blending myself. I close my eyes and try and pick up a conversation between them.

Two large paws suddenly appeared on either side of my head interrupting my hearing. My heart drops as I look up to see Ethan's large dark form stand protectively over me. I cursed him in my head, knowing he'd draw attention towards us. And I was right.

A wolf of theirs noticed Ethan and immediately turn towards us. I heard the wolf growl loudly at Ethan. Ethan snarls at him, and I feel his claws digging into the ground by my head. This is wrong.

"What's your problem?",Ethan growls at him.

"I should be asking the questions. You're on our territory, I have every right to shred you apart right here.. Right now",the other wolf crouches ready to pounce.

I couldn't let him. I stood straight up nearly knocking Ethan over. The other wolf stepped back, clearly shocked at my presence.

"Neither one of you is ripping either apart. We weren't aware this was a territory. We will be leaving immediately. This doesn't need to get crazy", I tried to keep my voice calm. I didn't need to anger either of the male wolfs standing next to me.

The other wolf was hesitant but eventually bowed his head accepting my offer and runs off to catch up with the group. I turned around to look at Ethan who- if looks could kill I'd be dead.

"I had it Sierra",he sharply turns around and heads back to the cave.

"Oh I SO could tell. That's why you two nearly fought right now right? Nobody saw me, I was hidden in the snow",I mentally roll my eyes at my friend. He always went for the violence way. Maybe it was my omega father's blood flowing through me, but I'd rather be civil than savage.

"They could've seen you, I couldn't risk it. Plus he challenged me."

"He did no such thing! You immediately went to anger him!"

"Why the hell are you defending him?",he roared with anger as he turns to look at me.

"I'm defending the situation! I have no ones back in this. We were in his territory, and like he said he did have the right to tear you apart. And I will not apologize for it, I was not just gonna lay there and let you get attacked above me",I ran past him towards my pile of rabbits and birds. I obviously felt the ground rumble from his angry stomps.

When I got to my pile a wolf hovers over it picking up a dead bird. I barked at the lone wolf and pick up my speed toward him. To my surprise he fell in a coward manner.

"What are you doing?",I ask simply.

"My mate! She's pregnant with our pup! She hasn't eaten in days!",he replies quickly.

This caught my attention. Soon Ethan was at my side, and of course had some input.

"Beat it",he growls slowly.

"My mate is close to starving. I beg you to let me take this",he pleads.

"Are you in a pack?",I question him.

"My mate and I are rejects",he slowly looks away.

They are rejects as well. I look down at him then back at Ethan. He could tell what I was thinking and quickly shook his head.

"Hell no"

"Um give us a moment",I replied to the lone wolf and motioned Ethan to follow me. We stood a good distance away but close enough to still see him. I let out a heavy breath.


"No. Hell no Sierra. Please just think about what your considering. We don't need anyone else with us, it should just be you and I. Plus a pregnant woman? We're basically gonna be feeding 3 more mouths. We have barely enough to feed us!",he scans every inch of my face, trying to detect an emotion.

"He has a starving mate Ethan. Tell me you aren't this heartless.."

He doesn't reply and I felt a tug at my heart. I decide to go against him and return to the lone wolf. Ignoring his protests.

"What's your name?"

"My names Jasper, my mate is Alison"

"We have a cave not far from here. Bring her with you and you can stay with us, keep the meal",I say to him. I thought he was going to start crying but instead he let out a happy howl. I could feel vibrations in the earth as something was coming. Out from a few trees came this female human. So they mated when she was human.. The form in which you mate in, is what you're forced to stay in the entire pregnancy. Its very rare to see a woman stuck in wolf form for the pregnancy, but like all other things it does happen. I suddenly felt uncomfortable still being in wolf form. I grab my clothes pile near the food and go behind a tree. I form back into a human and get dressed. The coldness making me shiver as my fur coat was gone. I return to the couple and Alison looks so relieved.

"Thank you. Thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to us!",she laughed with tears in her eyes.

"Of course, follow me",I say as nicely as possible. At some point Ethan had shifted back. I ignore his glares as I lead the couple back to our cave.



When Ethan stood over her and talked to the wolf when they went into his territory (:

How was this chapter? <3


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