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I do another head count of my pack.


"Alpha. Is there anyway we could stop for some food. We've been traveling for half a day now and my pup and I are starving", a pack member, Rosalie, walks up to me holding her pup in her mouth. I feel like we've been shifted for too long now.

"Let's take a break. Everyone feed themselves and their pups", I bark loud enough for everyone to hear," we will meet back here in 10 minutes"

With this news the entire pack scatters in different directions. Once everyone is gone, Sierra walks up to me. Her fur nearly glowing from underneath the trees. It doesn't matter how dark the scene is. She glows pure white.

"Good call. I'm absolutely starving", she walks by me, nuzzling her head against my neck slightly," I'm in the mood for something big"


"Like deer big.. I don't know, that just sounds amazing. But I'll eat whatever we find", she shows her teeth to let me know she's ok.

"Then a deer I shall find.. Would you mind staying back, so when the pack comes back they know to stay with you?", I start walking East.

"You got it", she howls happily at the news of me finding a deer.

I glance one more time over my shoulder at her, then begin to jog. Birds are chirping loudly from every direction.

It would be so easy just to get one of those you know, my wolf growls in annoyance.

Yeah. I know, I speak back and point my nose high in the air. I get almost a million different scents. But not a deer.

You have to go deeper in, My wolf instructs.

I mentally thank him for directions and jog East. Curiosity fills my chest, I immediately know it's Sierra. Because I'm not curious, I'm waiting for instructions from my wolf. Its only been a day and I still feel so odd having mixed feelings about everything. Although I feel as if I understand Sierra more. She could have a blank face but be swarming with emotions. It's calming to watch and feel what she feels. How excited she gets over little things, the sympathy she has, her curiosity, how caring, loving, giggly, interested, and unique she is.

In 10 is a deer, my wolf disturbs me.

Ugh I get it, I groan.

If I get too caught up in thoughts of her I'll never be able to find us something to eat, my wolf smirks at me and shakes his head.

I smile back.

True that.

I crouch to the ground as it begins to vibrate. My ears perk up at the sounds of twigs being bitten. I slowly crawl toward the deer. Birds start chirping around me and I see them distract it. I wait til its facing the opposite direction from me and pounce. The deer yelps as I sink my teeth into it's neck. Suddenly my heart starts racing and I stand up instantly. The deer squirms beneath me.

Sierras heart is beating. I hesitate whether or not to get off the deer or stay. But once I see white fur flowing toward me I instantly calm down.

"Why are you worried?", her face full with concern as she nears me.

"Suddenly my heart started racing", I smile at her and motion at the deer," look what I got"

"Yum", she howls and jerks its neck to the side, officially killing it," A couple from the pack couldn't find anything near by so I brought them with me to eat up"

A wave of something mixed with love, fondness, and proud fills my chest. As the second it does she walks up to me," what was that?"

"You thought of the pack", I can help but nuzzle my head against her neck. But I pull away as I see the small family near," I have deer. Eat as much as you have to"

"Thank you Alpha. Thank you Luna", they bow down then hurry to the deer. Sierra follows after them and begins to tear into its thigh. I walk up next to her and lower my head to its lower stomach and rip it apart.


We are the first to arrive to the cave, considering its day time so no vampires, and witches are going to take forever because of how careful they have to be. Carved into the top of the mountain is a paw print, another is sharp teeth and the last symbol is a bowl. The pack stands behind Ethan and I as they wait for instructions.

"Marcus", Ethan calls him to the front. To which Marcus happily listens," Explain the plan"

"I'd be honored," Marcus holds his head high as he speaks loud enough so everyone can hear," Our rooms are holes that we've carved out of the wall. Each family can fit in one. The Alpha and Beta families will be on top of the Mountain. And the chosen guards will room on the corners of the den, so they can be quick to protect. You are all dismissed"

I press against Ethan while our pack hurries into the mountain. I see Talia and Alexander go into the 5th hole. I'll have to remember that.

"So you all will be staying up top", Marcus smiles at us and the Betas. He starts to lead us up a rock like stairs to a higher level. We walk up and into a small hole with a paw print mark above the entrance. The Betas go further in, and I smile to Allison as she passes with her pup and mate. Ethan smiles down at me, then bends down to squeeze through the entrance.

"Couldn't be any small-", my jaw drops mid sentence as I squeeze through the opening. Large crystals cover the ceiling, a large bed is in the middle of the large room," take back what I said.."

"This is amazing", Ethan says with awe.

And it really is


Btw Sierra's wolf is supposed to be dumb and stuff. Its all about how she matures as a whole! 😊

A day late. But I promised an update

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