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I watch the demons float around in the meadow. The window I currently look through isn't big enough to see into the village- which is quite annoying. But I've discovered, if the demon doesn't see you- then they can't come to you. Its a "if I can't see you, you can't see me" kinda thing. So the blinds have been shut and I feel like I'm going crazy in this house. I glance over at the bed and see Ethan sprawled out, staring at the ceiling.

"And its only been a day", I groan with annoyance, turning my attention back out the window.

"I wish we could just leave early", Ethan hums.

"Where are we supposed to meet Callista?", I lean my head on my hand.

"At the cave we were at before.. Apparently it has something to do with the fire pit", he barely gets out two sentences before he yawns loudly," I'm so done being in this house"

"I feel ya", I sigh heavily and decide to look up to the sky. Its been cloudy all day- which hasn't helped with my mood what-so-ever.

I hear the bed squeak behind me, and feel Ethan get closer. He places his hands on my shoulders. His fingers begin to massage me. My head falls forward and I sigh with relief from the tension be released. His lips kiss the base of my neck. My heart races and, I slowly bend my head backward so I look up to him.

He smiles down at me and leans down. His arms snake under me as he carries me bridal style to our bed. I fall soundlessly into it, then he hovers over me.

"Ethan...", I can hear the hesitant strain in my voice. He only smiles, leaning down to nuzzle our noses together.

"I couldn't help myself.. But you should never be afraid.. I'd never make you do something you didn't want to do", he inches downward until his head lays against my stomach. His arms wrapped around my middle, causing my back to arch slightly.

"I'm not afraid"

"I know you aren't", he mumbles against my stomach. It sends butterflies soaring through me.

"Are you ready for us to join?", I question him, my fingers finding his hair.

"Of course", I feel his smile on me as my fingers begin to play with his hair," are you ready?"

"I don't know," I answer honestly, bringing my lip between my teeth due to nerves," its still crazy to me that such a thing exists.."

"I wonder why they started it in the beginning", he speaks slowly," who came up with the idea to join two hearts together as one?"

"Do you think it'll hurt?.."

He turns his head so he's looking right up at me," if it does, I doubt it'll last long"

A smile makes its way to my face," let's run away"

"Away? Where do you wanna go?", confusion floods his features.

"To the forest.. Let's go to the stream..", I still feel bad for going against his word.

"Why? Is another person there?", a low growl rumbles from his chest.

"No.. I just want you and I there.. Its the last thing we can do before we join," I slip between his arms and end up on the floor at the end of the bed. He follows close behind me, making me half jog down the stairs. We get to the door and I open it slowly. I can see a straight shot through the meadow without any demons there. But we'd have to be fast. I look up to him, and he nods- as if he just read my mind.

We crouch low in the tall grass. I keep my eyes locked on Ethan's back as guidance, since I can't look over him. I fall soundlessly to the ground as I see a demon turn his head in our direction. Ethan obviously didn't see, so I pull on his shirt to bring him down. Ethan doesn't question it but he does give me an odd look. Within minutes we are back to tip toeing through the grass.


Sierra cheers happily behind me as we run toward the stream. I start stripping down til I'm only in my underwear. I don't stop running- even when I'm in the water. I hear splashing behind me, my head looks over my shoulder at her.

Adrenaline glows from her as she splashes toward me, the water reaches up to her chest, and mine the middle of my torso. Her eyes shine in reflection of the water.

"Come on.. Let's see where this leads too", I reach for her hand- to which she happily grabs. We start walking down the stream, in only our undergarments.

"This is nice", Her hair flows in front of her face as the wind hits our backs. I can make out her smile through the strands. She must have sensed me staring, cause her eyes slowly look up to meet mine," What?"

"You're beautiful", I grin as a blush coats her cheeks. She shyly looks away, and it causes my heart to slightly race. How can she not see her beauty? How can she be so blind?," You do know that right?"

"I'll take your word for it", she lets go of my hand as she jogs forward. The stream opens up to a large lake. It's as if this moment was somehow planned, the sun just beginning to set. It's as if this moment was meant to happen; Fate. The dark sun casts a red glow onto the lake, a fishing boat is seen in the distance. Sierra turns to me and looks up to me. The depth of the water made our height difference even more noticeable. I cant resist the urge to plant a kiss on the top of her head. Everything in this moment felt perfect.


This was a filler chapter! I apologize!

Next chapter is going to start getting good (Hopefully)

Multimedia: Ethan and Sierra in the lake as he kisses the top of her head (: <3

Made up the Mondays I missed! Til next week (:
~Kayla xoxo

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