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"I feel like I'm failing as an Aunt", I bounce Logan on my hip as we walk.

"What? Why?", Alison bends down to grab some berries, then drops them in a basket.

"I just feel like I'm never around him.. Or you.. Just. I always feel so busy", I vent to her and continue to follow.

"Hon. You're Luna of a pack, of course you're busy. I don't take it personal. And I know you have training with Marcus, its fine", she looks over her shoulder to smile at me.

"Still..", I sigh and look to Logan," am I a bad Aunt?"

He just continues to look up at me with a dazed glance. I smile to him and hold him closer.

"So.. How are you and Jasper? We didn't get to talk about that yesterday.. Considering he was in the room"

"Its odd not having him around as much.. I feel like I'm raising Logan mostly," she groans," no. Thats wrong of me.. I shouldn't complain, he's such a great dad. I wouldn't have anyone else"

"Hmm..", I hum in response," do you still have the marks from being.. Marked?"

"Man. That's all you and Ethan have been talking about lately," she smirks," you have plans?"

I look away," no.. I mean. I don't"

"That's an odd answer"

"Sorry. We just recently called each other boyfriend and girlfriend. I doubt we are anywhere close to marking", I walk up to a lake and walk into the water.

Alison grabs her clothing and starts washing them in the water.

"Are you sure you don't need help?"

"Just keep him entertained", she smiles and starts soaking the clothing.

"Well then entertainment is what you shall get!", I dip his legs in the water and he shrieks happily. I hear yelling in the distance, I pull Logan back up and hold him against me in a protective manner.

"That was Jasper", Alison looks alarmed and Immediately stands up. She looks toward the mountain, so I do as well. My eyes find Ethan, Jasper, Tim, and Ryan yelling at Lucifer and Lee.

Lee shows her teeth, and Tim shows his right back.

"Are they going to fight?", I ask myself out loud.

"Lee seems to have just woken up from being passed out by Callista. She's just raged from being knocked out. She'll move on", Alison forces herself to look back to the clothes she's washing.

"Damn. Had to get away from the drama. Hey girls," Talia walks into view," I saw you two leave the mountain and I wasn't going to stay by myself", She smiles at us.

"Have you settled in nicely?", I ask you and bounce Logan up and down in the water.

"I guess? For a mountain.. Its.. Nice?", she laughs.

"Yeah. I like the rooms," Alison hums to herself.

"I'm sure the Beta rooms are nice.. But the holes we live in? I'd rather sleep out side," Talia walks slowly into the water.


"How dare you take their side and help them!", Lee hisses as she struggles to get out of Lucifer's hold.

"I'm on no ones side but my own", I narrow my eyes at her and stand my ground in front of my Beta's," In anyway I can help I will"

"You let them knock me out!", she's screaming at this point and it's nearly making my ears bleed.

"I didn't know what they were going to do Lee. Lucifer looked like he could help you so I let him. Then I helped them", I try to explain the situation to her again. But with her anger it just seems to keep going in one ear and out the other.

"We won't give that hopeless pack a chance to move in with you", she finally stops struggling from Lucifer," We'll get to them. I'll expose you for the liar you are!",My chest fills with sudden fear. My alpha instincts were taking over.

I have to save them.

I turn away from the vampires, Lee continues to scream from a distance but I ignore her. My Beta's walk by my side, and I can only pray they know what I'm thinking. I look around for Marcus and once I see him I run.

"Marcus, I need your help"

"What can I do for you Alpha?", Marcus see's the importance as my Betas and I stand in front of him

"That pack from the meeting. I have to leave now before night hits and the vampires get to them", I explain the situation," Lee found out we are liars, but that's not what I'm mad about. They're in trouble. What can I do to have them listen to me and return to my territory"

"Challenge their Alpha. To the death, Tim you know what to say when they do fight. And you have to kill him, cause if you don't their Alpha will be our Alpha", Marcus guides me off the mountain," me and the pack will leave tomorrow. But you have to get Sierra before you go. Your Luna has to be a witness"

"Does anyone know where she's gone? I haven't seen her all day", I look around until Jasper walks up.

"She's with Alison. She was helping with Logan, they're at the lake", Jasper tells me and looks back to Marcus," take care of the pack. They should be able to understand. We'll see you all tomorrow"

The 4 of us walk into the trees and strip from our clothing. We let ourselves shift, taking off to the lake. I immediately spot Sierra in the lake with Logan and Talia, and Alison on the side. Sierra senses me and perks up. She hands Logan to Talia and runs to me.

Her hand touches the side of my face," what's wrong"

I nuzzle into her touch automatically but growl the words," You have to come too. But we are saving that wolf pack from the meeting"

She doesn't take less than 30 seconds to run behind a tree, undress, and run back shifted as a wolf.

"Let's move", she orders, but waits for me to lead. Our paws beat the ground as we run through the trees.

I feel as if I have all the strength in the world with my Beta's and Sierra at my side.


A quick little filler chapter!! Who will get to the wolf pack first? 🤔

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