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"We've been walking since noon..", Talia groans.

"And we've only found a rabbit", I glance at the rodent shaking in Alexander's grip," soon enough our pack is all gonna die out from demons"

"No. I spoke with Callista", Ethan grips my hand tighter," we are joining in 2 days.. Then we leave"

"Leave?!", I stop walking, Alex and Talia do the same," and when were you going to tell me this? When did you find out about this?"

"Look its temporary. We have to go to the mountains", he explains to me, his hand tracing up my arm. He hasn't been able to let go of me since I walked into the office.


"The demons are getting out of control..", he sighs, pulling on my arm," come on. We have to find you a life source"

"We are joining in 2 days?.. What happened to a week?", I frown. It wasn't that I didn't want to, I haven't let myself get ready to join.. My wolf isn't ready either. I'm not ready to share emotions and a heart beat with someone. My mind starts racing but Ethan's voice breaks the rant.

"Sierra. Its what has to happen. Now let's focus on the mission here. Getting you a life source", he let's go of my hand, walking quicker than me.

I frown at the action, wrapping my arms around my self. My eyes look up to see the clouds rolling in, a breeze raises goosebumps on my arms. Talia looks to me with pity, I don't need it so I look away.

Then above we hear them, a small flock of ducks flying above. Without warning Ethan takes off- running after them.

"Ethan!", I yell as I start after him, I dodge trees and fallen logs. It only makes me slower, his Alpha strength launches him. And for the first time I can't keep up, I put my weight against a tree. My chest rises and falls as I try to catch my breath.

"Where the hell did he go?!", Talia runs up and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"The ducks", I huff- pushing myself off of the tree," damn his new strength"

I begin walking in the direction, ignoring Alexander and Talia's concern. I might not be able to keep up with you Ethan, doesn't mean I won't find you. I inhale deeply, barely catching his scent in the breeze.

"I have his scent, come on", I rush forward, I decide to call out for him," Ethan!"


We finally spot him sitting on a large rock with two handfuls of ducks. They flap their wings rapidly, and make all the noise their little bodies let them.

"I figured.. I'd get them all for the pack as well", he stands up, and doesn't bother looking at me as he passes me.

"Thank you", I barely whisper as he starts heading back to our territory. I follow from the back of the group. Its as if Ethan's having another mood swing.. I know he told me he doesn't understand the new feelings he has. Maybe its feelings that come along with being an Alpha. I have no idea.

"Really sweet of him to think of the pack", Talia smiles at me as she slows down to match my speed," I think its... Different.. That the two of you, who have never really been in a pack- now are Alpha and Luna-"

"I'm not Luna", I look at her.

"Well you know what I mean", she smirks at me as we pass another stream," I'm happy for you two"

"Thanks..", I zone out the rest of the conversation; not exactly caring what she has to say at the moment. My eyes train on Ethan's back.

Am I ready? I ask my wolf.

You know that answer Sierra. Of course you're ready, she sighs.

I know she doesn't love the idea of it. Its completely normal for her to feel that way after Isaiah. A heavy weight fills my chest as I hurry after Ethan.


I watch over my pack as they give their life forms to the demon they faced. My eyes scan the large crowd for Sierra, but she's blended in.

Its so interesting.. Seeing the demons suck the souls of the ducks, rabbits and even a deer. Its as if they become rag dolls without a soul. The good news is the demons don't have any need for the animal bodies. I've called a pack meeting after everyone's met with their demon. I stand on the platform in the middle of the village. One by one my pack gathers around me, waiting for me to speak.

"As we've all witnessed.. Demons are becoming quite the issue.. In the past- with past Alpha's, you have retreated to the mountains. I'm glad to tell you we will continue as you all normally do. Just because I'm a new Alpha, doesn't mean I will change the rules," my eyes finally find Sierra. She stands next to Talia and Alexander- jealously rumbles through my chest at the sight of Alex's arm around Sierra," I also have something else to say. No one leaves their house- for two days"

A groan washes over the pack. Sierra's head snaps toward my direction, she's obviously shocked by my words.

"You all will do as I say. You have two days to pack and prepare yourself for our trip to the mountains. The sun is setting, get home", I don't budge from where I stand. I watch as every one spreads and walks into their homes. Sierra stands alone once everyone is gone. I step down from the platform and offer my hand to her.

"Let's go home pup", with my words, her hand slips into mine as we make our way toward our house.


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