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His head pops up from behind Alison," Ethan?"

"I need your help. Now"


"I need to talk with you its important. I'll meet you at the stream", I storm out of the cave and strip of my clothing. I let myself shift and leave my clothes near the cave.

My bones crack and snap into place, my wolf let's out a howl, finally in control. He knows not to return to Sierra but go to the stream, and he does so.

My claws dig into the ground with every step, the wind rushes through my thick coat of fur. The ground vibrates underneath me as I feel a group of deer hooves not far. I don't feel like eating right now, so I ignore them.

I could feel another wolf following me, and the scent from it told me it was Jasper. How was I going to explain the situation to him? Hell. How do I even know the bastard will even help me? I know he'll help Sierra.

I slow down as I near the rushing water. I eye the boulder where Sierra told me the big news- her mate. A wave of depression washes over me and I'm glad Jasper was here to distract me.

"What's this about Ethan. You just asked me to leave my mate and my pup-"

"I know. Just shut the hell up and listen",I turn around to face him, and try my best to ignore his harsh glare. I shouldn't have spoken to him like that," I know you and I don't get along and what not but its time to put that aside. I'm a man asking another man for help. Got it?"

"I'm not surprised at how rude you're asking it. What do you what?", he plants himself on ground and watches me pace back and forth.

"Sierra is in trouble"

"What?", Finally. That seemed to get his attention as I see his large ears perk with sudden interest and concern.

"From the looks of it, her mate and his pack are cruel. I've been watching them the past week non stop and I've never been more disgusted", I growl lowly as the memories re-surface," and I know we done get along-"

"Well this isn't about you and I. This is about Sierra. What do I need to do?"

"That's the thing Jasper.. Right now we can't worry about Sierra", I choke out, the words feel like lava flowing out of my mouth.

"You can't be serious", his mouth drops, revealing his sharp wolf teeth.

"Her mate is the Alpha..."

"No..", horror flashes across his features," that only means.."

"I have to fight him for his spot as Alpha... I'm going to challenge him.."

He goes silent with the news.. He looks down with concentration and he processes everything I've just told him.

"What do I need to do", he finally speaks.

I stop pacing and walk up to him. I level my head with his so our eyes could meet. Even though we are still in wolf form, I could read him like an open book. Expressions stay the same no matter who/what you are. His features were letting me know how truly serious he is about this.

"I need you to train me Jasper. I'm not in shape to fight an Alpha right now..", I let myself be weak in front of the man, giving him my full trust.

"I'll do everything I can"

I gained respect for him and bow down to him. He shakes his head in disapproval and motions for me to follow him. Wasting no time, I'm on his tail.

"Are you doing it as a wolf?", he questions me when I catch up.

"Of course. My human strength is nothing compared-"

"That's good. I was hoping you'd say that," he cuts me off.

I stay silent the rest of the walk- to wherever we're headed. Most likely to an area with more room.

"You're going to show me how strong you really are", Jasper instructs with his back still facing me.

"Ok. Are we going to fight?", I question him as he finally stops walking.

"The tree"

"The tree?", I look to where he's looking and see an average oak tree," you're kidding me right?.."

"Do I look like I'm kidding? If you want my help then go attack the tree", he commands.

"If you say so", I say under my breath and launch myself against the tree.


"How are you feeling dear?", Alex sits outside of the cell.

"As fine as I could feel I guess.. I have a lot of bruises..", I look up to the ceiling and see a few cracks scattered.

"I apologize. Talia is going to finish up getting checked out, then you are next. Might I congratulate you on quite a fight!"

"Thanks Alex", I thank him. But it feels odd doing so.

It was still replaying in my head that Ethan had witnessed the fight.. I wonder if he's still in the forest, or if he went home to the cave.. I feel weird but I've been calling out to him non stop since the fight.

Stop, he's obviously gone and I'm back, my wolf snaps at my eagerness to hear Ethan's wolf.

Its not that I don't want you here.. I just feel like its been so long since I've heard from Ethan.. And that's the first time I've heard his wolf's voice, I let out a deep sigh of breath I apparently was holding.

I get it. But he isn't in our life anymore. We have to worry about our mate now, my wolf rolls her eyes at me.

I'm getting pretty damn tired of the attitude you've had lately. You've always loved Ethan- and now since our mates in the picture its like you don't care. And obviously Isaiah doesn't care too much about us, tears fill my eyes and I let out a small sob.

"Sierra?", Alex asks suddenly worried.

"Sierra. Its time for you to be checked. Come to the door of the cell", Ryan's voice echo's through the concrete walls.

I wipe the few tears that escaped and lift myself off the ground. Ryan throws Talia into the cell, her falling in the process. He takes my arm harshly as he pulls me out of the cell.

"Best wishes Sierra", Alex smiles then begins to comfort Talia through the bars.

"I'll never understand that guy. He's always nice to the both of you", Ryan groans as he pushes open the door in front of us.

"And why aren't you?", I question him.

He seems at lost for words that I spoke back to him. So to make up for his answer he shoves me hard forward.

I updated today because we are #585 in the werewolf category.. Thank you so much for your support for my first book! Thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting- it means the world to me! <3

Ah.. So now Ethan's training for his challenge against Sierras mate! Oooo (;

~Kayla 😘

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