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"Your emotions are on your sleeves.. No this isn't painful. But you do leave your bodies-", I cut off Lee.

"What does that mean?!", to say I'm freaking out would be an understatement. Its only minutes before Ethan and I join, and I haven't seen him in hours.

"Basically it feels like a deep breath. Both your hearts will stop beating, only to beat again but with the same beat," she picks at her long nails," it'll be over before you know it",It's literally driving me crazy how chill she's acting. She's never chill, she's always stiff and rude- why all of a sudden is she acting like this? Has she done this hundreds, or thousands of years? My head spins at the thought.

My hands start shaking as Callista and her mother walk over to us. Callista clears her throat," the boys should be here in a bit. So while we wait for them we must be completely submerged in water. They've done it, and we will as well. It's a cleanse," she leads us toward a small lake near the cave," mother and I will go first, then Lee, then Sierra"

Callista and her mother join hands, and step into the small lake. They begin to chant in a language I couldn't understand. Once the water is to their waists, they close their eyes and fall back. The water swallows them, but spits them back up a second later. Lee walks in with no hesitation. A second later its my turn.

I pass by Lee, the cold water rising up my body. Once I'm waist deep, I lean back. The water pulls me down, the coldness feels like a million little knives cutting my skin. My feet push against the bottom of the lake and I resurface. My eyes spot the girls making their way to the cave.

Come on. Get out of the water, my wolf pushes me forward out of the lake. A breeze nips at my arms.

"The Boys are nearly here," Callista puts her hands on Lee's Shoulders," I'm activating your powers. Do not abuse the strength"

Lee's eyes flash with excitement," I won't abuse them"

I look over to Callista's mother. She was attempting to start a fire, but curses in annoyance when it doesn't work. I walk over and crouch beside her," do you need any help?"

"That would be lovely dear," she smiles at me and hands me the rock and stick.

I start a fire almost instantly, Callista's mothers eyes glow with the flames," Thank you Sierra. I want to let you know my name is Ann"

"Nice to meet you Ann", I return a smile.

"I've sensed you've gained your powers dear", Lucifer's voice enters the cave. I look over my shoulder and see him walk to Lee.

My eyes find Ethan's, he smiles fondly at me for a second then turns his attention to Marcus.

"Alright. Let's get in position," Ann stands up and puts her hands on my shoulders," I can see you're nervous," her smile is so kind. I truly like Ann," This isn't painful. But I don't think it being painful is your biggest concern.. I think its sharing emotions with Ethan"

"You're right", I admit to her as she has me stand in the right spot," I have no idea what to think about it. It seems crazy to me"

"This is the first joining with it not being a Beta or a Mate. So its going to be a bit of a challenge to join the both of you, but non the less.. It should be over quickly so we can make our way to the mountain", Ann gives my shoulder a light pat before walking away.


I turn to the left and see Ethan walking up. He's soaked, so he obviously was in a lake too.

"Hey..", his arm wraps around my shoulder, bringing me close to his body.

He kisses the top of my head," Are you ok?"

"I'm fine.. Really I am", I look down at my feet to hide the blush on my cheeks," Just a little nervous"

"I'm nervous too"

"Vampire, Werewolf, and Witch. Tonight we join around the fire, where millions of the joinings have been performed. Walking into this cave was confirming what you wanted- to be joined with the one you're closest with. With this here knife, with magic from the Witch- we shall cut our wrists," Marcus slides the blade across his wrist effortlessly," let our blood- bind us for life! And to the life after this", he drops his blood into the fire then hands the knife to Lucifer.

"I hereby join with my wife, Lee. Til death do we part with this life. But continue onto the next", Lucifer speaks loud and clear, slices his wrist, then hands it to Lee. She repeats what he said, and passes the knife on.

"I hereby join with-," Ethan swallows hard then says," with my girlfriend Sierra. Til death do we part with this life. But continue onto the next"

I grab the knife and take in a deep breath," I hereby join with my boyfriend Ethan. Til death do we part with this life. But continue onto the next", I give the knife to Ann. She continues, then Callista, then the knife is returned to Marcus.

Marcus starts speaking in a language I can't understand. Suddenly I notice everyone's eyes rolling back in their heads. My heart starts racing, and as soon as I see Ethan's do the same everything goes black.


My heart beat isn't my own. I'm not panicking. Although my breaths are shallow and fast. My hands grip the gravel beneath me, I must've fallen. A deep ache fills my chest as I strain to stand up.

"Ethan. Take your time, you're in no rush", Marcus bends down in front of me," your heart was racing because Sierra was in a state of panic but I need to let you know she's fine. She just needed fresh air"

Relief floods in me but suddenly a state of worry fills me.

"Marcus I'm not worried-"

"It's Sierra. She must've felt whatever emotion you're currently feeling, so now you feel hers"

My head throbs at his words. They made no sense at all.

"I need to see her. She's worried about me", I pull myself up by Marcus's arm. He groans but helps me up. I don't get to walk more than a few steps in front of him because he's on my heels.

I find her as soon as I exit the cave. Her eyes fill with tears as she looks at me, and I begin to feel her emotions.

My eyes fill with tears too.


I just wanted to thank you so much! I'd never ask or force anyone to vote, comment, and read my book. But I am so unbelievably happy that my first book is getting so much positive attention. Like I have tears in my eyes! I'm not confident in my writing but your comments give me such a rush and motivation to keep going with this book. I'm debating possibly a sequel? I still have a lot planed for this book. But I will try not to stretch it out too much.

Just thank you all again, I'm so truly happy 😭😊😍

-Kayla xoxo

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