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"Promise me Sierra", Ethan demands.

"Ethan.. I promise to not leave territory, I promise to stay home. I promise to stay up until you get home. I promise. Now you need to go! You're gonna be late", I guide him down the path.

"Ok.. Please be at the door at 1.. Please..", he doesn't let me answer as he turns around to start running down the path. I wait until he's out of view and out of hearing range.

I have to go to the stream. Its been days, who knows if he's even there. But I have to try. I don't bother shifting to avoid having to change in and out of clothes. I run. And I run on pure adrenaline from my wolf. She's healed from Isaiah, I won't ever feel the same as I did before. But I'm doing this for her, for closure.

It takes me about 30 minutes on foot to get to the end of the territory. I hesitate stepping over.

I promised Ethan..

Please Sierra.. Please, my wolf pleas and motions for me to go. She whines, its only 5 minutes away! 2 minutes if you run. So run!

I bite my lip and start to run again, but now out of territory. Guilt builds inside me but I push through it, I have to.

There's a figure leaning against a large rock, staring at the flowing stream. I go to call his name but then I realize, I never knew his name.


"Sierra!", a strained voice calls out. He nearly falls trying to reach me. I catch his arm, steadying him.

"Woah- Beta are you ok?"

"No.. Since Isaiah obviously died.. I'm dying..", he coughs up, and I can barely catch glimpse of red spraying out..

"Oh my god", my eyes widen," how is this possible?"

"The vampires.. They.. They make you fucking-," he coughs again, but tries to catch his breath," they're gonna do it to Ethan.. Whoever his Beta is-"

"He has 3!", I panic and pull at my hair.

"No. The one he came with. The vampires- Lucifer.. Convenient name huh?-", he tries to laugh but ends up throwing up a little.

"Beta.. Take your time", I order him, and help him sit down.

"Who was the man that came with Ethan"


"He's close to him. Whoever he's close to- the vampires can see relationships, and friendships. I don't know how- but they saw how close Isaiah and I were. And that's part of the "deal" they make"

I have to sit back and process the information," so.. You're saying.. If that happens, and either Ethan or Jasper die. The other one dies too?"

"Exactly.. You have to get to Ethan.."

"Beta I couldn't thank you enough-"

"Go! Sierra go now!", he coughs harshly and starts throwing up.

I can feel tears fill my eyes. Without stripping from my clothing I let myself shift and start running.

Ethan I'm coming.


"Are they going to be here soon?", I rest up against the cave walls. It doesn't feel right being a different cave, that isn't home.. And I was really home sick right about now..

"They will be here at midnight", Ryan checks his watch," its 11:55. So just give it time"

"The head Vampire is named Lucifer-"

"Are you fucking serious?", I raise an eyebrow at the name.

"I'm dead serious", Tim glares at me slightly but then smirks at the word "dead".

I roll my eyes and look off into the distance. I have a bad feeling about this. Vampires.. Vampires are what killed our pack..

"Morning gentlemen", in a flash a superior group comes into view. I stand up straight and wait for them to enter the cave," Marcus, so glad to know you haven't changed. Would you mind lighting the fire?"

I can tell who was the head one. He's taller and more muscular than the other ones. He wears different clothes- I mean they all wear different clothes but his are different in a way. Marcus lights the fire and I'm able to see their faces better.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Lucifer. This is my wife Lee", she shows her teeth to me and hisses.

I attempt not to laugh at it.

"These are Kyle, Fabian, and Kendra", he motions to each vampire.

"I'm Ethan. I'm Aurora Australis's new Alpha. These are my Beta's Tim, Ryan, and Jasper", I motion to the three men standing next to me," and you seem to have already met Marcus"

"Marcus and I go back- what? A couple thousand years?", Lucifer laughs- and as typical as it is- his laugh was dark.

"Thousand?", I question.

"Oh. You haven't told him Marcus?", He asks shocked.

"No", Marcus narrows his eyes.

"Oh, oops", Lucifer chuckles," well let's begin "Alpha".. What are good terms for you"

"I have to hear some to see if I approve for not", for some reason, I have a lot more confidence than I thought I would.

"Well where do we start?", Lucifer looks to his wife.

"Well we have many things that we were in the middle of with Isaiah. Do you wish to carry those out?", she asks me.

"Isaiah and I are two completely different people. I highly doubt I will", I answer as honestly as I can.

"Understandable.. But there's certain things that you have to carry out. Its been through every generation. Were you Isaiah's offspring-"

"I was not his child no. I challenged him to the death and I won- thereby becoming Alpha"

"Oh.. Dear I don't know how we handle this situation.. If he's not by their blood.. No this can't be", she covers her mouth as she looks at me," does anyone know about this?"

"What? No-", I don't know what's going on but I get cut off by a loud howl.

I turn around and see Sierra shifted as a wolf. Her white fur almost glowing in the darkness.

What the hell is she doing?!


Multimedia: Lee hissing (:

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