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I face the direction of the woods that the movement was coming from. I dug my claws into the ground and lowered myself ready to pounce.

Ethan stood the opposite of me, facing the other way. Movement was coming from the other way as well. I could feel his wolf tighten behind me as he got ready.

"Sierra",he softly growls.

I didn't say anything as I wait for what he had to say. Birds made noise as they flew over us. Meaning they were getting closer. I let my chest touch the ground and the vibrations of them were getting closer were stronger.

"If you have my back I have yours",he backs up until our hips are touching.

I felt a touch of power from what he said. I eternally chuckle. I felt bad for whatever was coming towards us. The vibrations deepen. A low growl came from the both of us as they were impossibly near.

"We Have Each others Back",I roared as we pounce together.

Hooves clicked together as I land on top of the deer. I dig my canines in its neck, and jerk them to the side. A loud crack confirms its dead. I jumped to the ground off of my new meal and see Ethan standing on another one. The rest had turn around at the sight and sound of us.

"Good catch Pup", Ethan teases with a nickname as he rips into its neck," a meal for two"

A whole deer to myself. I couldn't contain my excitement. I ripped into its side and began devouring my tasty meal.


The snow covered the forest floor with a thick layer. The winter was harsh this year. With every step I had to forcefully raise my feet. The snow would just let me continue to sink in. My stomach growls with pleasure, it hadn't been full in so long. Ethan is walking by my side. I notice he also rubs his stomach.

"That was a good catch",I look up at him. He towers over me by almost a foot. His dark brown hair was a mess, but it suited him greatly. His golden irises were alert, looking forward. He was very built, but yet so was I. It just came along with our lifestyle.

We had tried to join so many packs, but we were looked at as rejects. They hadn't believed our story of our past. So finally we accepted the fact we wouldn't be allowed anywhere. We were a pack of two, we only needed each other.

"Indeed",he replies, not bothering to look down at me. He walks with such confidence, something I was always jealous about. His chest was always up and his head held high. He was intimidating, his arms always tense ready to attack if needed. I tended to follow him everywhere we went, he was definitely "Alpha" of our two wolf pack.

Our cave came into view just as snow started to fall. I stop in my tracks and let my head fall back. My tongue stuck out catching snowflakes. I could hear a chuckle come from Ethan. I had no doubt he had joined me. Soon enough there was a light layer over my head and shoulders from being out in it. I love snow, when in my wolf form I always blended in with it. I could feel my wolfs heart swell, we both love it.

I put my head back up and saw Ethan in the cave, making a fire. He didn't enjoy the snow as much as I did. He prefers summer, lounging on rocks as the sun beats off of him. I mean, I can still lay on rocks in the snow and feel the same way. 

"So are you just gonna stand there all day?",I hear Ethan call from the cave.

"Maybe", I challenge him and spin around. Snow flies off my shoulder and beneath my feet. A laugh escapes me as the snow falls harder. My wolf howling inside of me. Looking up i see the white sky and the snow falling, then look back down at the forest. Everything is white. I couldn't help but wonder, is this what heaven looked like?

Suddenly I got feel his presence behind me. He didn't say anything, instead he stands in such a close distance I could feel his body heat.

"Ethan",I say with butterflies erupting in my stomach.

"Why don't you come inside the cave.. Come warm up",he says quietly and grabs my arm.

I step out of his grip before he can get any closer. I look up to him with a warning look. I know he doesn't know of my current feelings for him. They're nothing super grand, more like an innocent crush. After all it has been just him and I for 15 years. If I ever saw another wolf I'd fall for them too.. Right?

"I'm coming right now"

He has a confused look as he lowers his head and backs away,"I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry. I-I just.. Ugh nothing",I cover my face with my hand, embarrassed to see him.

He doesn't say anything. I can hear the sound of snow being stepped on as he walks away. I rub my temples with my hand at my sudden headache. I know my feelings are worthless.. There's no point in them so there's no point in accepting them and confessing them. But I wont deny the butterflies I feel whenever we touch, but we cant be. We aren't mates, we can't be together. We just can't. We're best friends. And I would much rather keep that then chance ruining it with expressing myself.. Anyways, my mates out there somewhere.. I should be focusing on that..


I laid across the fur of a deer. The fire crackled in front of me, the heat was harsh. I didn't mind it though and I toss and turned all night. The snow had fallen so much it started to roll into the cave. Ethan got up many times during the night and got it out. I woke up every time he did, making sure he was okay. He would look over at me every time he woke up. Our eyes would meet for a split second before he tore them away.

Thunder was the next sound that shook the cave. I admit I was terrified of thunder, it just sounded so threatening. I instantly sat up at the crack of another. I wrapped my arms around my legs as the storm was just rolling in. Storms here aren't short and simple. Instead they were harsh and long.

Thunder boomed again, this time waking Ethan. He sat up and immediately looked at me.

"Are you okay?",he asked becoming a bit frantic taking in my current position.

The thunder answered for me and he moved quickly over to me. He knew my fear, I've had it since we were little. It was almost like tradition when a storm hit. He immediately sat behind me, placing a leg on either side of me. Wrapping his arms under mine, and around my waist. Pulling me closer to him, he held me in a protective manner. I didn't fight him, I leaned against his firm chest. I could lightly feel his heart beat against my back and it nearly rocked me to sleep.

"Go to sleep Pup. I'm here",I almost cooed at his nickname for me and closed my eyes. The thunder didn't die down, neither did the rain or snow. But with his protective arms around me, I knew he'd never let anything harm me.

Soon I drifted off, in the arms of Ethan.


This is how Sierra and Ethan look now, they are much older (Sierra is 20 and Ethan is 21) (:

I love feedback! Let me know what you think about it!

Again, every Monday is an update<3

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