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"Hmm.. So then what would you do if you came across a vampire? I mean technically we're stronger and faster than them but they could just as easily break our necks and I'm not down for that",I lean across the table and take a few sips from the milkshake Ethan and I were sharing.

"Well.. See whether we're in human form or wolf form, our bite is lethal. So as odd as you might look, start showing teeth", he says casually and sticks a few fries in his mouth.

"What about a witch?", I ask curiously.


"How so?",I reach after and snatch a fry off his plate.

"Basically if a witch bleeds at all and its not part of a spell, its deadly to them. That's why you never see them in fights or really outside for that manner. They just can't risk it",he sips from the milkshake and then rests his head on his hand,"I've never seen a demon either.. I have no idea how to defeat those"

"Well those only come out at night.. Right?"

"Correct.. In fact I'm pretty surprised we've never come across one.. I know that they want a soul in trade for you keeping yours.. Just give them a rabbit or something"

I laugh at his last comment and the waiter comes by the table. She eyes Ethan as she walks over and completely turns her body just to look at him. I growl lowly in jealously, but luckily she didn't hear.

"Is that all you'll be having?", She curls a strand of hair in her finger.

"Yes actually, we're content.. Could I have the bill?", Ethan politely asks.

"Of course sweetie", she winks and slides the bill on the table from her pocket," Come back any time you'd like.."

He doesn't answer her, instead he writes his signature on the bill. She shuffles her feet annoyingly and I pull the milkshake over to me to drink the last of it. She only smiles as he hands it back to her, and leaves without a word.

"Was that a jealous growl I heard?",Ethan asks, suddenly looking very smug.

"Uh- it was just rude that she ignored me like that",I say softly, looking away from his hard eyes. I stand up from the table suddenly feeling the walls close in," We should go see if the baby is here yet"

"Jasper said-"

"And do you truly believe he's gonna step away from his new pup? Not happening", I walk the rest of the distance out of the coffee/ice cream pub. Ethan was right by my side walking down the sidewalk.

"What do you think they named it?",he asks, breaking the silence.

"I don't know..",I shrug and slightly shake my head. I was surprised he was actually talking about them and it wasn't harsh.

"Come on, give me a better answer than that",he chuckles," I think they'll name it something unique.. They just seem like that type of couple"

"What gender do you think it will be?",I question him as we turn the corner of a building. The hospital was no more than a block away.


"You think?"

"From the looks of it? She's had an easy pregnancy, male it is",his head held highly as he says so, obviously confident with his answer.

Wolf pregnancies are much easier than human ones, even when we are in human form. We are just naturally stronger, so a baby is pretty easy for us to carry and deliver. But there's always a chance it could be difficult, thankfully Alison's wasn't.

"So how are we gonna get Alison out in the forest in time?",I lower my voice as a large group of humans walk by.

"Wow.. I didn't even think about that",his eyes widen for a second. Then he has an intense stare, as he thinks over my words.

After giving birth the wolf will have to shift into the opposite in which they gave birth.. For example Alison gave birth in her human form, she'll have to shift very soon after. This is because Alison mated in human form. After you mate you can't shift into the other form, you're stuck with that one. Alison has gone 9 months stuck in human form, shifting back into a wolf will be extremely painful. Thousand times more painful than delivering the baby. The longer she waits, the more prone she is to dying.

I expected Ethan to have a plan but when I'm answered with a shrug I nearly gasp. I'm not good at making plans, he is. But somehow we need to get Alison out of that hospital immediately.

"Could you point me in the direction of the nursery",Ethan asks the lady at the front desk of the hospital. Her cheeks turn red and a giggle comes out of her", to floor 3 make a left and just follow the signs, handsome"

I step in front of Ethan and give her a warning glance. She scoffs," better keep your dog on a leash"

I feel my fangs bust out of my gums,"I'm not a dog"

Her eyes widen and she looks as if she's about to speak but Ethan grabs me. He drags me away from the lady and bends down to whisper harshly in my ear," Are you trying to get us caught?! Keep those teeth up"

I frown at his aggressive tone but let them sink back up into my gums. He ignores and refuses to make any conversation with me the entire way to the nursery. When he opens the door I'm invited with a million different smells, for once I curse my good sense of smell. Ethan begins sniffing the air, but didn't make it obvious. He ends up in front of a crib, but there was no baby in it.

"Its gone"

"Well we have to go find-"

"That means Jasper and Alison are gone too",his hands grip the crib tightly, nearly breaking the wood in half. I pull his hands off and he storms out of the room to start down the hall.

"Ethan! Don't freak out!",I run, to keep up with him. Storming down the halls, he bumps into many people but no one says anything when they see the expression on his face. He starts scanning the parking lot and I finally understood what he was doing.

They might've left us here..

After half an hour of searching, Ethan's truck was no where to be found. He growls deeply and to release anger he punches a pole. Completely denting in an outline of his fist from werewolf strength.

" I knew we couldn't trust them- they just left us here. They took my god damn truck! Now we have to way to get home but to-"

I reach up and grab his face, bringing it down to mine. I don't say anything, just look at him. Rage is clear on his face, his eyes like daggers. But after a few moments his face begins to soften, he leans forward and places his forehead against mine. A warm feeling floods my chest at our current position.

"Can you understand why I got mad?",he finally speaks, but makes no effort to change our position.

I open my eyes and see his are closed, so I close mine again,"completely.. But we have to think of some options as to why they just left. For example, Alison needs to shift almost immediately. They probably went into the forest to let her.. So we should probably start heading out that way so we can catch up"

He lifts his head off of mine, and I refuse to look at him. The unfamiliar warm feeling was getting worse. His hand cups my face and we stand there for a few moments in silence. When I finally decide to open my eyes, he plants a soft lingering kiss on my forehead.

"Come on, let's go catch up pup"



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