The Way I Am Now

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Will you stay?

The way I am now
Nobody looks at me
But when they do
They are only desperate
For what they can get in return.
I'm not that kind of person
So go on your way find someone just as desperate as you.
The way I am now
People tell me I'm pretty
Some days it's hard to believe
Other days I'm on a cloud of happiness
But then someone comes and makes it rain
The way I am now
I'm hard on the outside but inside
I'm fragile as glass
Hold me wrong and I shatter right in your hands
To millions of tiny pieces that will never fully get cleaned up
The way I am now
I try not to fall for people
But I've fallen so hard it hurts
I cling to other people hoping it helps
It doesn't, it just makes the pain sting worse.
The way I am now
Doesn't understand other peoples actions
I can feel a person's emotions
But body language is one language I cannot speak or read
The way I am now
Can't understand if you're flirting or just being friendly
Doesn't know what to do when your hand falls on mine and doesn't move
Or know how to react when you gently comb my hair with your fingers
But the way I am now
Will sit there and stare at your eyes
The way your eyelashes grow down instead of up
Notice the slight rumble your voice makes when you pause on a word and drag it out
And smile at the way you don't notice what you're doing to me...

The way I am now
Will wait
For you to be ready.



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