To You

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To you, who is reading this right now

I'm in love with you.
Every beautiful aspect of you.
I'm in love with the feeling of knowing
Knowing that I can cause you feelings.
I'm in love with the idea of your face smiling
Or your lips forming the word, same.
In love with the fact that I could send shivers down your spine
Make your gut tingle
Or bumps to go racing over your arms.
I'm in love with the idea that the words
"Oh God, someone feels this too. I'm not alone"
Could be playing at the edges of your mind.
I'm in love with the idea
That you might sit and wait for a new addition to the family,
A new twist in the river of my mind.
I am so deeply in love with the idea of making others happy
That I forget not every wants to be
I'm so blinded by this love
I forget that you might not want to feel sad or happy
Maybe you just want to be numb from the world.
But I'm still in love with you if that's the case.
If you want to cut your hair short
I love you
If you want it long, down to your knees,
I love you
If you want to wear crop tops and belly button rings
I love you and make sure it's sassy.
I can't not love you
And you can't stop me


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