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To a certain someone who made these words come to mind

Be quiet
Or they'll hear
It's a secret
That I cannot tell
I can only write
Through my words
With all my might
I will try to explain
How my heart feels
What my soul fears
The way my mind thinks
The track it takes
The sharp turns
And the turn arounds
It would take to long
For me to convey
Every feeling
Every word
Every way the track turns
But it's not all mine
It's yours
It's ours
I feel for you
So you don't have to
You can sit and be happy
While I feel all the misery
I feel your heart break
I feel your pain
I can feel the hole in your soul
That their death made
But do not worry
For I do not mind
It's what makes me, me
So in feelings
What yours in mine.


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