Chapter 3

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   I know these chapters are coming in so quickly and are so short. Ever since my dream, I've been brainstorming this book. I'm starting to think your brain can choke from too much information. (I got that from best-seller Dragons in our Midst series by Brian Davis. I recommend those books.) I hope you like this chapter, and remember, I need other people's opinions. So please comment. And if you like it, please vote. If you don't like it, tell me why and I will try to fix it for you. That also includes spelling mistakes. And tell me if I got something from the Rangers Apprentice books is wrong in any way. I want it to be accurate. Enjoy. ;)

   After picking off a dozen bandits, Halt heads to Gilan's cabin. When he arrives, he sees a strange horse out the front. He walks in casually and finds Gilan talking to the fief doctor. Errol is nowhere in sight.
   "Oh, hi Halt. Did you dispose of the people that attacked you?" Halt nods. "Yes. They were just bandits. Why they attacked me and Errol, I don't know. Speaking of which, where is Errol?" Gilan thrusts his thumb at his bedroom door. "He's in there. He was wounded on the way back here. A couple cuts on the arm, one on his forehead, and a gash in his side." "How bad is his side?" "The doctor says that it should heal fine. It wasn't too deep. Deep enough to leave a scar for life though. He's also lost quite a bit of blood." Gilan motions for Halt to sit. "Now that that's taken care of, you have some explaining to do. Who is he? And why are both of you here?" Halt sighs. "That's what I would like to know." Gilan shoots him a questioning look. Halt continues. "I found him in the forest alone a few days ago in Redmont fief. He was half starved and constantly moving. I followed him and barely got any sleep because he's so unpredictable. He would stay awake most of the night and only got some sleep, crying himself to sleep. He didn't eat at all. When I confronted him, He didn't want to answer my questions. Something's not right about him." The doctor came out of Errol's room. "He's awake now." The two men go into the room to see Errol trying to get up. "Oh, no you don't. Not with that wound." Gilan goes over and gently shoves him back onto the bed. "You need to rest for the next several days." Halt sits on one side of the bed, with Gilan sitting on the opposite side. "I believe you still have some questions to answer." Says Halt gruffly. Errol sighs. "Do I have to?" Halt nods. Errol sighs again. "Look, I don't mean any disrespect, but I am just travelling across the country. I didn't mean to make so much trouble." "Where are you going?" "As far away as possible." Mumbles Errol. "Where are you from?" "Far East." Gilan thinks for a minute. "You handled a sword back there pretty well. Where did you learn that?" Errol shrugs, embarrassed. "I only know the basics. I used to play with sticks and was taught for fun, the basics. I don't know that much." "How old are you?" Asks Gilan. "I'm fourteen." "How educated are you?" "A lot."  "Where's your family?" Something flickers in Errol's eye. "I don't have any." "Oh." Everything falls silent. Finally, Gilan rubs his chin. "Hey, Halt. I was thinking-" "A dangerous pastime." Gilan glares at Halt. "-seeing how Errol is injured, he could stay here for a month to heal, and then we can take him to the ward in Redmont. He's too young to be an apprentice at the moment." Halt considers this. "Ok." He turns to the kid. "When's your birthday?" "In 6 months." Halt's eyebrow rises. "Right when the Choosing is. Ok, Gilan. I'll return to pick him up in four weeks. I'd best be going now. I've left Redmont without a ranger for a few days now. I should make it back by sundown. See you later, Gilan." With that, Halt is gone.

How was that? Please let me know if something was wrong. And if you have an idea. I'll try to get the next chapter up quickly. Sorry if you didn't like it though. Tell me Why if so. Bye. :|

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