Chapter 7

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   Errol sneaks outside of the castle, and scrambles up a tree. A bunch of kids bolt outside and run around the corner. He sighs with relief at the sight. It was always hard to listen to them taunting him.
   It has been six months since he arrived. Ever since, the other kids made sure to make his life miserable. It wasn't as bad as her former life. That was worse.
   Tomorrow is choosing day. Errol knows what he wants to be, but will the person accept him? Especially with a sword. The kids mainly tease him for that. Why does everyone hate me? That question remains unanswered. He is going to be doomed for farm life. He can feel it.
   Quietly, Errol slips out of the tree, and makes for the door. He doesn't make it.
   "Well, well, well. If it isn't Mr. Nobody. Planning how to be a mistake as a farmer, too?" Errol turns around. "Timothy, can't you ever stop blabbing with that hole, you call a mouth?" That earns him a smack in the face. "At least I'm not being worthless like you." Errol sighs. "Can you ever leave me alone? I still have the bruises from yesterday." Timothy smiles wickedly. "I'm just making sure that you don't spread your disease around. I think it's working." "If I have a disease, then why stay with me to catch it? Oh, yeah. You already have a much, much worse disease, called bullying." That earns him some ooohs from the crowd. Timothy's face reddens. He lunges at Errol, striking him down. The other kids join in and rain blow after blow on Errol. Footsteps start to echo near them. "Someone's coming! Let's get out of here." They scatter, just as someone appears from around the corner. It's one of the guards. Even Redmont has at least one arrogant person. That person is this guard. He sneers at Errol as he recovers from the beating. Errol ignores him, and goes inside. He collapses on his bed. Can it get any worse today? Unfortunately, the answer is yes.
   Wendy, the ward lady walks in. She hates Errol for no particular reason. She sees his wounds and scoffs. "Really? Did you try to beat up some kid? Your chances of being picked as an apprentice was already slim. Do you have to make it slimmer?" She walks off without another word.
   Errol buries his face in his pillow. The lunch bells rings, loud and clear. He ignores it. Instead, he walks outside and into the woods. He grabs his sword on the way. He doesn't stop until he reaches a clearing next to a creek. There his practices with his sword until his arms go numb. He sits down on a rock and looks at his reflection in the water. Grimacing in disgust, Errol punches the water. He watches as his picture blurs. That is his life. A blur in the world. Something no one can understand, so they hate it.
   Suddenly, his senses are on alert. A rustling in the bush startles Errol and he spins around. There he comes face to face with a wolf. Errol freezes with the wolf. The wolf is the first to recover. He looks longingly at the water behind Errol. He barks, hoping to scare him away. Errol follows his glance and gets the message. He scoots to the side and observes the wolf. The wolf walks to the creek and takes a deep drink. It is unusual to see wolves alone. He must either be the omega wolf, or was the alpha and got replaced. He is scraggly looking and very skinny. Cuts and blood mark his shaggy brown coat. "You seem to be alone, wolf. Are you a lone wolf?" Errol says. The wolf looks at him. "You must be. We have a lot in common you know. You're hurt and don't have anyone to rely on. I'm like that. More hurt on the inside than the outside, though. Do you trust me, wolf?" He carefully takes a step forward. The wolf growls, seeing the sword. Errol realizes that he's still clutching the weapon. Slowly, so he doesn't startle the wolf, He lowers the sword to the ground and steps back. He leans forward, his hand out to sniff, head down. The wolf warily advances. He sniffs Errol's hand and licks it. Errol pats the wolf on the head. "There, good boy. You want to be friends? First you need a name other than wolf. How about. . ." He thinks. "Sectar?" The wolf barks. "I'll take that as a yes. Thanks for being my friend, Sectar." The two friends spend the rest of the day together. Errol takes one look at the sun and gasps. He is an hour late for history lectures at the ward. There is only half hour left. Oh, he's in big trouble. Wendy won't have any trouble with the punishment. Most likely cleaning the entire castle before morning.
  He apologizes to Sectar and bolts back to the ward. Sectar reluctantly stays behind with the promise of treats the next day.

Was that too boring? Please let me know. I put the tree in there as the same one Will used to climb. Only he had just one enemy to get away from. And did you like the wolf? Please comment And vote.

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