Chapter 18

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  Errol stays out of trouble for the next two weeks. His injuries quickly heal, though his cut leaves a scar. He could possibly be staying out of trouble because Will and Halt constantly keep him under lock and key. Everywhere he goes, someone accompanies him. His skills with weapons improve, despite his absence. Although they have to watch out a bit when he's handling weapons. He tends to be a bit wild when learning something new.
  Today, Errol is nervous and excited. He and his mentors are packing for the Gathering. For three days, he will be tested on his skills. Will he earn his bronze oakleaf? "Come on, Errol. Time to leave!" Will shouts from outside. "Ok." Errol stuffs the last of his stuff in the saddlebags. Heaving them onto his shoulder, he walks out and puts them on Midnight. He's used to the saddle now, so he makes no fuss. Errol mounts up and follows Will and Halt into the forest. A few days later, they're almost there. Errol pulls up besides Halt. "Is Gilan going to try and ambush you?" "Undoubtedly, yes. Got any ideas on how to outfox him again?" Errol thinks for a minute. "He'll probably expect us to try to do that, so we'll do just that." "What?! You want us to do what he wants us to do?! That's a terrible plan!" Halt holds up his hand. "Hold on, Will. I think there's more to this." He gestures to Errol. "Go on." Errol nods, seeing it happen in his mind. "You see, instead of trying to sneak up behind us, he might be waiting along the trail. Halt will spot him, and try to sneak up on him. He'll be expecting this, so he'll find Halt. We have to make it look like that was what he really was doing. I will shoot at him from a tree. I will shoot two arrows to make him think that Will is with me. But actually, while he's gloating, Will is in a tree and will dive out of a tree, carefully, and knock Gilan to the ground." Halt considers his idea. His mouth pulls to one side and he looks at Will. "I like how he plans. Do you have anything to say?" Will shakes his head. If Halt likes it, the plan is official. "Let's do it."


  Gilan is waiting quietly in the bushes for Halt and Errol. He's guessing that Halt will do what he done last time and have Errol or Will shoot at him. A shadow flickers for a second before disappearing. Gilan grins. Halt is here. "I know you're there, Halt. You can't fool me. I caught you." He calls to Halt. Halt steps out of the shadows, looking like he stepped out of the tree. "Oh, come on. I got close to you." Gilan smiles. "But that's not all, is it? Any second now, Errol and Will will shoot at me." As if they heard him, two arrows thud into the next to him. Gilan turns to the direction the arrows came from. "Come down, Errol and Will. I know you're there." Gilan starts to walk to the tree to greet them. Suddenly, a weight hits him from behind and He falls to the ground. Stunned, Gilan lies there until a hand waves in front of his face. "Hey, Gilan. We got you again, didn't we?" He looks up to see Will. Gilan grabs his hand and is pulled to his feet. "How did you...?" Halt raises an eyebrow. "Really? I've known you for several years, mostly as an apprentice. I know how you think." Errol drops out of a tree. "Nice to see you again, Gilan. Nice surprise, wasn't it?" They shake hands. "Not really. I will beat Halt, one day." Halt snorts. "Yeah, when Blaze flies." Gilan ignores him. "So how has your skills with the sword been going?" "Pretty well. I want you to teach me to fight with my left hand, though." Gilan starts in surprise. "Why?" "Because there could be days when my right hand and arm is injured and I need to fight." "Ok, but we need to spar first to test you." "Agreed." Halt coughs. "Are you quite finished? I'd like to reach camp and have a nice hot cup of coffee now." They relent. An hour later, they set up camp and Errol meets other rangers, including Crowley, the Commandant.
  After a restless night, Errol takes a deep breath and gets up. The day of tests has begun.

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