Chapter 19

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  Errol wakes up before everyone else at the third hour. Anxiety flutters in his stomach like butterflies. Is he even going to pass? There's bound to be better apprentices here. Errol walks away from camp to the practice area. He wants to calm his stomachs, so he takes out his bow and starts shooting off arrows at the targets. After 48 exact bullseyes, Errol moves on to knife throwing. More bullseyes. Still unsatisfied, he moves to hand-to-hand combat and the double knife defense. Then he starts practicing with his sword. Words echo through his mind. Can't you do the simplest thing right? You're not strong. You're a mistake. He doesn't know who said them, but they hurt just the same. Errol never seemed to do anything right. For once, he just wants to do something right. Furious at himself, Errol strikes with anger. "Do you always fight when you're angry?" Errol gasps and spins around, his sword flashing. Will freezes, his hands in the air. He tries in vain to see the tip of Errols sword at his neck. "Sorry to startle you." Errol lowers his sword. "Is that what rangers do in their free time? Sneak up on people who have weapons and scare the wits out of them?" Will chuckles. "Yep. That's our job." Errol turns back to his opponent. "It's only the fourth hour, Will. Don't you think it's a bit early to start chores?" "I didn't come here to order you to do chores. Although that is coming up. But the real reason I came is to talk to you." Errol freezes for a second, then continues. "There's nothing to talk to me about." Will sits down on a log and motions for Errol to do the same. "On the contrary, you are quite an extraordinary person." Errol shrugs. "Isn't everyone? Especially you? You're more extraordinary than others." "Not really. I'm just like other people on the inside. But you, on the other hand,  came out of nowhere and has revealed nothing about your past. Most people don't trust people who don't reveal their past." "I assure you, there's nothing to know about my past. I was born, lived and came to be here." Will can see that he won't get anywhere this way. Time for a different approach. "Ok. Well, what do you think of danger?" Errol is startled by the change in subject. "Danger? Umm, what do you mean, 'what do I think of danger'?" "Like, you don't seem very scared of danger. Aren't you afraid of danger?" "Depends. Danger of dying from a disease? Yes. Danger of dying in a battle? Nope. Unless others are in danger, I don't mind danger." Will's eyebrow rises. This is a peculiar kid. "You're a peculiar kid, Errol." Errol shrugs. Encouraged by the answer, Will carries on a conversation with him.
  Watching from the trees, Halt smiles. He's warming up to them. It's taking a long time, but he is warming up to them.
  Before long, dawn approaches and Errol starts on chores. After feeding and watering the horses, Errol grabs a small bowlful of porridge. He makes himself comfortable under a tree, making sure there's a big distance from the other rangers. That doesn't help much as Will leads five apprentices to him. "Hi, Errol. These are the other apprentices: Tim, Jared, John, Pete, and Bernie. Apprentices, this is my apprentice, Errol." Errol glares at Will's back as he retreates. The kids greet him. Jared spots his sword hanging by his side. "Hey, you're breaking the rules. You're not allowed to have a sword." Errol turns to the kid. "Oh, really? Then why does Ranger Gilan have one?" Jared stutters. "Well, because he's a privileged ranger." "And what if I told you that he gave me this sword?" John joins in. He's always looked up to Gilan. "You lie! Gilan wouldn't do that! His fief is far away from Redmont." Errol spins to him. "He's Will's friend, isn't he? Don't friends visit each other?" John doesn't answer. Bernie holds out his hand. "Ignore him. He's just jealous. He wants Gilan to give him a sword. You any good with it?" Errol tilts his hand. "Decent. You want to look at it?" Bernie's eyes grow big. "Could I?" Errol nods. Grabbing the handle, he draws the sword and hands it, handle first, to Bernie. Gaping in awe, the boys gather around to study it. Pete looks at the sword then at Errol. "You can use this? I find that hard to believe." "What's that supposed to mean?" Errol asks. Tim interjects. "I see what you mean. He looks a bit sickly to me. Doesn't even looks like he can draw a bow. I don't know how desperate Ranger Will must have been to pick this one." The boys carry on a bit as if Errol isn't there. Finally, he can't take it. "Enough!" He shouts. Everyone stops. He moves to Bernie. "I'd like my sword back now." Before he can hand it back, John snatches it. "I don't think so. I could do quite well with this sword. Especially being from Gilan. I think I'll keep it." Errol shakes his head and reaches for the sword. "No, It's mine. Now give it back. And be careful! The edge is sharp, and you could hurt someone if you're not careful." Too late. "No!" John shouts and moves the sword to intercept Errol's hand. He meant to use the flat of the blade, but he accidentally turned it a bit and the edge tears into Errol's arm.
  Will and Halt watch from a distance. "Do you think it's working?" Will asks. Halt replies, "I hope so." Errol shakes Bernie's hand. "That's a good sign." Then Errol draws the sword and hands it to Bernie. They could see the boys staring in awe at it. "Another good sign." Two boys start talking to Errol. Errol's face reddens. "Enough!" They hear Errol shout. "Uh oh. This doesn't look good." Errol moves to his sword. One of the kids grab it and hold it at him. Errol reaches for the sword. The kid hits his arm with the sword. Errol grabs his arm and jumps back. They can see blood dripping from between his fingers. Halt groans. "Oh no. Not again. Let's go." Will and Halt rush to his aid.

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