Margaret's Diary

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Chapter 1: Margaret's Diary

Margaret slowly wrote in her diary,
"I known that I have been special for a long time. I am half-some type of robot, and half human. Some sort of techno-organic, as many may think. It's very hard to hide, since going to school and not activating my weapons is not a walk in the park.

My name is Margaret, and I live in Jasper, Nevada. I have recently befriended the Autobots, them realizing I was someone special. I was homeless, since my parents died in a plane crash.

My mothers sister, my aunt, told me that I was found in a pod, that it was a mistake that my father and mother found me. That they weren't my true parents. That made me feel terrible."

Just then, Jack, Miko, and Raf entered the base with their guardians Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead. Margaret quickly stored away her diary in her secret drawer. Miko ran up to her and said, "Hey Margaret, what's wrong? You didn't go to school today dude!"

Margaret shrugged and said, "I didn't feel good so I stayed here. Do we have any homework?" Miko then said happily, "No dude! It's a Friday remember! That means that I'm going to sleep over!!!" Margaret smiled and said, "That's why you have a large duffel bag?"

Miko nodded and turned to see Jack and Raf coming up the stairs, and noticed the groundbridge opening, with Optimus and Smokescreen stepping through. Smokescreen waved at the kids and Optimus nodded to them.

They all waved, and Optimus and Ratchet left the room to talk privately. Smokescreen walked to his quarters, not talking to Margaret.

Margaret wondered what was wrong, and she snuck into Smokescreens quarters without him knowing. He whispered to himself, "How could Optimus do that to that sparkling? I mean, I know it was right. She was writhing in pain and she told Optimus personally to relieve her pain by putting her down. How strong that young femme was, I couldn't believe it..."

Margaret stepped out of the shadows with a tear streaming down her face. She whimpered, "W-who was this sparkling?" Smokescreen jumped and said, "N-no one! How did you get in here?!" Margaret rolled her eyes and said, "Major stealth Smoky! Now tell me about the sparkling!"

Smokescreen sighed and began, "Well, while Optimus and I were scouting...We saw Megatron. And he was holding a sparkling. He looked at the sparkling in anger. He then said, "It's not her. Exterminate her." He dropped the femling and she screamed, "NOO PWEASE DONT KWILL ME!!!" Starscream growled, and shot at the sparklings spark chamber.

But the femling got out of the way. She still was shot on one side of her helm, rapidly losing energon. Optimus and I then ran out from behind the trees we were hiding behind and snatched up the sparkling and ran. Starscream and Megatron retreated to their groundbridge, and Optimus cradled the femling in his arms. She whimpered silently to Optimus, "Pwease...put me out of this pain...Pwease Prime..."

Optimus slowly set her down and said, "I hope you find peace in the well of Allsparks sparkling...And I truly wish I didn't have to do this." The femling smiled, "You are doing me a great favor." Optimus shut his optics and fired."

Margaret shed a small tear and said, "Why did Megatron hurt her? What did she do to deserve an early death?!" Smokescreen shook his helm and said, "I don't know. He's hunting for a special femling though, that I know of."

Margaret growled, "I will find out why he's doing this to femlings...I'll beat the scrap outta him!!!" Smokescreen noticed her rage and said, "Well keep your rage on a down-low 'cause your not supposed to know about this. Other than me, Optimus, and Ratchet. Ya clear?"

Margaret nodded and Smokescreen picked her up and they both returned to the main room.

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