The Next Day

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Margaret yawned as she stretched out her arms, waking up to the sound of her alarm on her IPhone. She grabbed her phone turned the alarm off.

She jumped out of bed and got dressed. She tried on a blue sundress, and put a denim vest over it. She put on black converses and walked out of her room, greeting the vehicons who were guarding her room all night.

She went to find her father, but when she went to his quarters he wasn't there. She walked to the communications room to find Soundwave to ask him where her father went. But she couldn't find him either.

She strode down a couple more halls until she came up behind her father, Starscream, Shockwave, Soundwave, Knockout, and a mech with dragon wings on his back.

She wondered who the new mech was, and she came up behind Shockwave and said, "Hey Shocky."

Shockwave didn't jump when he heard her voice call for him. He simply stopped walking and said, "Hello, little Margaret." Then all the others stopped and turned to greet Margaret, except for the new mech.

The new mech asked, "Who is she?" Megatron turned to the new mech and said, "She's my daughter, Star. But she goes by her human name, Margaret. I almost forgot you haven't met her yet, Predaking."

Margaret shyly waved to Predaking and he bowed and said, "It is a great honor to meet you, dear Margaret." He then took her tiny hand carefully into his large claws and kissed it gently.

Margaret blushed and was speechless. She turned to her father, her face completely red with embarrassment and he silently chuckled. Predaking let go of her hand and said, "I must get back to my quarters. It has been a pleasure to meet you, Margaret."

Margaret then said, "It has been a pleasure to meet you too, Predaking." He then smiled and walked away.

Megatron set Margaret down and said, "Run along, I have to speak to Soundwave, Shockwave, Starscream, and Knockout in private, Margaret." Margaret nodded and ran toward the vehicon recharge room, hoping to see Steve, Red Skye, and Blue Jay.

When she entered the vehicon recharge room, Steve, Red Skye, and Blue Jay were leaving to find her.

Steve transformed and opened his passenger door for Margaret to get in. She crawled in and opened a groundbridge for them to go through. When the vehicons and Margaret went through, they arrived at a mall in Nevada.

Steve, Red Skye, and Blue Jay turned on their holoforms, and parked closest to the mall. Margaret got out and Steve came out after her. His hair was a dark shade of purple, his tank top was black and he had ripped denim shorts.

Blue Jay had light blue hair, a light blue tank top, and black and white basketball shorts.

Red Skye had red hair, a red tank top, and black basketball shorts.

Margaret was the one to choose their clothes, she told them that it would be good to show off their muscles so no one would mess with them.

They entered the mall, and the first store Margaret went into was Rebel. She wanted to get new earrings. She bought six new pairs that Steve, Red Skye and Blue Jay approved of. They were like her older brothers.

Then she went into a dress store called Tropic. The vehicons decided what dresses she would wear.

Red Skye picked out a frilly red dress with black tool over the silky red. Blue Jay picked out a frilly blue dress with a silver belt around the waist. Steve picked out a purple dress with silver sleeves.

Steve got a call on his com from Starscream-

Starscream: Where are you vehicons?!"

Steve: Commander Starscream! Um...We are taking care of Lord Megatron's Daughter. She wanted to go get new, 'clothes'.

Starscream: Well tell her her time is up and return to the Nemesis! You have a mine to guard!

Starscream cut off the com link and Steve sighed and stopped Margaret from walking into another store. He said, "It's time to go. We have a mine to guard."

Margaret nodded and they left the mall and returned to the Nemesis. Steve, Red Skye, and Blue Jay left Margaret for the mine right after they stepped foot onto the ship.

Margaret sighed, "Why does Starscream have to ruin my fun with my new friends?"

She set down her backs on her bed, and played on her phone until a groundbridge opened in front of her...and Jack came from it.

Margaret stood up, shocked and said, "What the hell are you doing here, Jack?!" Jack took Margaret's hands into his own and said, "I know why you are staying here. And I'm so sorry about what happened to you..."

Margaret sighed, "It's not your fault. Optimus is the one that wants me dead..."

Jack shook his head and said, "No...He didn't tell those assassins to kill your mother and try to kill you..."

Margaret stumbled back and fell onto her bed. She stuttered, "And I thought he wanted me dead...I was so afraid of him..."

Jack sighed, "Come back with me...come back to the Autobots so we can end this war...we can stop your father from destroying this world AND Cybertron."

Margaret shook her head and said, "No. I'm not going to revolt against my father. I'll just stall his mission to take over. He'll never know it's me. I mean, I love my father...but not what he does..."

Jack lifted Margaret's chin and kissed her lips. He sighed, "I never got to kiss you on our date." Margaret chuckled, "My first kiss...I'm glad it was with you."

Margaret and Jack hugged and kissed for what felt like forever.

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