Quality Time With Vehicons

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After Margaret and Starscream returned, all Margaret wished for was to be alone in her new room. But Starscream wanted three vehicons to watch over her, just in case the Autobots wanted to plan a rescue.

Margaret sighed as three vehicons entered her room. They looked at her confused, they all wondered, 'what was wrong?'

One vehicon, walked up to Margaret and sat down next to her. He asked, "What's wrong Ms. Margaret?"

Margaret sighed, "Just...I saw my boyfriend and he wanted to bring me back to the Autobots...but...I-I just couldn't. Not after I heard that they wanted me dead."

The vehicon put his large talon on her back and rubbed it. He asked, "You probably want to be alone don't you."

Margaret looked up at the kind clone and said, "No, no...I want you guys to stay. What...what is your guys designations?"

The clone looked at his brethren, and back to Margaret. He said, "I'm D24A-9." He pointed to the clone to the left of Margaret, "He is A14-F7."

Then he pointed to the last clone to Margaret's right, "He is HK2419."

Margaret looked at them, and then looked at D24A-9. She said, "Do you like your names?"

D24A-9 sighed, "No...But what can we do? We are just simple drones. Just like Starscream says." Margaret shook her head and said, "No. You guys are more than that. Don't listen to Screamer. I mean, I know he's the Second-in-Command but, he's not tellin' the truth. I think you guys should give yourselves new designations. And new looks!"

They all looked at her shocked and HK2419 spoke, "Are you sure?" Margaret nodded and D24A-9 said, "I want my new designation to be Steve. I've always liked that human name." Margaret smiled and said, "That's a great name!"

Then HK2419 spoke up, "I want to be called Red Skye." Margaret nodded and turned to the last drone that was still thinking up his new designation.

A14-F7 said, "I want to be called Blue Jay. That organic animal has always intrigued me." Margaret said, "That's a wonderful name! Now what about your colors..." Steve spoke up, "I'll keep the color purple." Red Skye suddenly turned from purple to red. He said, "Better make my paint job be the same as my designation!"

Then Blue Jay turned from purple to blue, making his paint job like his name as well.

Margaret smiled and said, "You guys look awesome!" She then yawned and noticed that it was 11:40 at night.

The vehicons left the room so she could change for bed and jumped when she exited her room without warning. She chuckled as they calmed down. Steve, Red Skye, and Blue Jay all said, "Goodnight! Thank you for giving us the idea of having new designations and new looks!" As they strode down another hall, leading to the vehicon recharge room. Margaret said, "Your welcome! And Goodnight!"

She then turned around and entered her father's quarters, seeing that he was about to lay down on his berth. Megatron jumped as his daughter said, "Hello, father."

Megatron sighed in exhaustion, "Hello, little Star. You ready to go to recharge I presume?" Margaret nodded and said, "I wanted to say goodnight."

Megatron carefully lifted her up in his large servos and tried to hug her without squeezing her to death. He kissed her forehead and said, "Goodnight."

Margaret smiled and kissed Megatron on the cheek. Megatron set her down and laid down on his birth, going into recharge.

Margaret entered her room and laid in her soft, comfy bed. She sighed as she drifted off to sleep.

Two vehicons guarded her door, making sure that she was safe at night. They were standing there, blasters ready when they heard a scream come from Margaret's room.

The two rushed in to see Margaret panting, sweating...and crying. One of the vehicons gently picked her up and rubbed her back with one of his digits. Margaret stopped crying when she heard the other vehicon ask, "What happened?"

Margaret sighed, "I...I had a really bad nightmare..." The two vehicons looked down on her, and the one vehicon holding her asked, "May we ask what happened in the nightmare?"

Margaret nodded and began, "I was a sparkling...and my father was cradling me in his arms...and my mom was standing beside us, her face full of worry. Then there was a gunshot, and my mother fell...dead. Then my father and I were by escape pods, and he set me in one. He put my amulet around my neck and said, 'Don't forget about daddy and mommy ok?' I began to cry as he shut the pod's door. Then it just went...black..."

The two vehicons were stunned by the story, and one spoke up, "I think you had...a flashback. When Lord Megatron had to send you away to save you."

Margaret nodded and answered, "But it felt just like a nightmare...It was terrible..."

The two vehicons comforted her until she yet again, fell asleep. The one holding her set her back in her bed, and pulled the blankets over her so she wouldn't get cold overnight.

The two went back to their posts, guarding the fragile femmes room.

~Autobots Base~

"How could she betray us?" Smokescreen questioned as he strode back and forth. Jack sighed, "I...I don't know...maybe the Con's brainwashed her...she said she had a good reason."

Then Optimus spoke up, "She does have a good reason." Smokescreen, Arcee, Jack, and all the others looked up at Optimus in shock. He continued, "I have kept this secret since the beginning of the war. Megatron had a loving wife who gave birth to a beautiful daughter. The sparklings eyes were a beautiful shade of red, and her armor dark as the night sky. Megatron loved his daughter with all his spark, and we thought she could be used as an advantage to end the war."

The Autobots stared at their leader with disbelief.

"A team of assassins went after his daughter and shot his wife in the head, hoping to kill the sparkling and her mother, destroying what Megatron loved most. But Megatron got away with her...and sent her here to Earth.

That sparkling IS Margaret. And that's why Megatron has been hunting down and killing femmlings. He wanted his daughter back."

The Autobots were speechless.

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