Kidnapped Part 2

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"W-what? Your m-my father?!" Margaret stuttered, "Why didn't I know this before?!"

Megatron frowned and said, "I have been searching for you for far too long. If only I knew Prime was the one who was keeping you in the shadows."

Megatron loosened his grip on Margaret, letting her sit in his large palm.

Margaret questioned, "Is that why my amulet has 'Star' carved into it?"

Megatron looked at the amulet around Margaret's neck and remembered when he gave that to her. She was just a small sparkling.

"I gave that amulet to you when I sent you away." Megatron said. Margaret looked up from her amulet and said, "But didn't you love me? Why did you send me away?"

Megatron sighed, "I loved you so, so much. It hurt so much to just...give you away. I had to send you away to another planet because of the threats from the Autobots. They wanted to destroy me by taking something I cared about. Something I cared about more than ruling Cybertron."

Margaret looked at him shocked. Megatron looked away but then looked back at the small femme whom had put her small hand on his spark chamber.

She smiled, "I love you too, father. And I will never leave your side again."

Megatron rustled her brown hair with his large didget. Margaret chuckled.

Megatron called for Knockout, "Knockout, take my daughter to her room and bring her some necessities."

Knockout jumped as he heard his lord call for him. Knockout took Margaret into his servo and took her too a room, next to Megatrons.

Starscream followed, having nothing left to do. Knockout got Margaret a queen sized bed, a dresser with sundresses, tank tops, and shorts since it was the beginning of summer. Knockout then carried in a refrigerator, that didn't have any food in it.

Starscream asked Margaret, "What kind of food would you like so I can go to the so-called, 'grocery store'?"

Margaret looked up at Starscream as she slowly bounced on her new bed. She answered, "I can go with you if that will make it easier." Starscream put his hands on his hips and said, "If you must."

He then transformed into his alt, and opened his cockpit so Margaret could get in. She climbed in and Starscream buckled her in. They left Knockout in a second, soaring into the clouds.

~At the Autobots Base~

"I-I can't believe I let Knockout take her...I feel so terrible..." Jack groaned. Smokescreen sighed, "It wasn't your fault, I should've came and guarded the movie theater to protect you guys. Don't blame yourself."

The two moped around together in the base alone, since all the others, including Ratchet, were on a mission.

Smokescreen then got fed up with doing nothing and said, "We are going to get her back. The Decepticons can't keep her in the dark forever."

~With Starscream And Margaret~

Margaret and Starscream entered a superstore in Nevada, close to Jasper. Starscream was in his holoform, that looked like a man in his twenties, with jet-black hair with a red streak in it.

Margaret led him to the cereal and she picked out her favorite, lucky charms and put it into the cart. She scooted over to the dairy and got some milk and yogurt.

Starscream became instantly bored, telling Margaret to hurry up. She groaned, "Omg do you have ANY patience?"

Starscream rolled his red eyes and said, "Apparently not enough patience for you."

Margaret rolled her eyes as she grabbed a 12-pack of Mello Yellow and plopped it into the cart, followed by five bars of butterfingers.

"I'm almost done Screamer." Margaret cooed as she carefully put a bag of honey crisp apples in the cart, finishing her list of food she needed. "Now let's go before..." Margaret stopped as she noticed Jack and Smokescreen, in his holoform enter the store.

Margaret hissed at Starscream, "We need to get outta here! Smokescreen's lookin' for me! I'm not ready to go back yet! Not after what my father told me about what the Autobots were planning for me!"

Starscream and Margaret went through isles farthest from Smokescreen and Jack. When they reached the checkout, they went to the self-serve and quickly paid for the food.

Smokescreen noticed Starscream's holoform leave quickly with Margaret, and said to Jack, "They knew we were here! Quick! Before they get away!" The two rushed after Screamer and Margs, hoping to get Margs safe at the base again.

Margaret quickly stacked all the groceries in the cockpit behind the seat and turned to see Jack, and Smokescreen in his original form.

Jack grabbed Margaret's hand, stopping her before she crawled into Starscream's cockpit. His eyes were watering as he choked, "Why? W-why are you going with them?"

Margaret's eyes began to water and she whispered, "I have a very good reason...I...I just can't tell you now. I love you, Jack. I promise I'll see you soon."

Margaret gently pulled her hand out of Jack's grasp. She climbed into Screamer's cockpit and took one last look at the guy she loved.

As Starscream took off, Jack whispered to himself, "We lost her..."

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