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Margaret paced around her room growling, "Damn. Damn. DAMN! I don't like being confined to this stupid room!"

Margaret was easily bored in her locked up room, since her father just took away her phone privilege. All she had left to do was eat, sleep, and pace around the room and think.

Margaret stretched her legs and said, "You know what? I'm going running. I HAVE to do something fun or I'll go insane!"

She pulled on her running shoes and unlocked her door. She stretched her arms and got in a running position. She jolted off, at odd speeds.

She passed by confused vehicons as her dark purple blur passed them. She chuckled, "You guys can't even see me! Ha I'm fast!"

She sped around each hall, narrowly missing Shockwave, who mumbled, "That child's actions are illogical..."

Margaret chuckled and ran faster, going onto the flight deck and stretching out her wings.

She took a head start and jolted into the sky. She twirled around the clouds, always keeping the Nemesis in sight.

Predaking was walking onto the flight deck as Margaret did a double twist and landed on the deck.

He chuckled, "Your flying skills have gotten better...extreme in fact."

Margaret bowed and said, "Thank you, your highness..." Predaking laughed and rolled his optics. He then lunged at Margaret and grabbed her.

She struggled in his grasp and said, "Well you've gotten better at catching me..." Predaking laughed and kissed her on the forehead.

Margaret blushed and kissed his cheek.

Predaking asked, "Aren't you grounded?"

She sighed, "Uhg...yea..." She jumped up onto his shoulder and asked, "Can you hang out with me cause I'm really bored alone..."

Predaking chuckled, "Anything for you, my princess."

They both returned to Margaret's quarters and Predaking set Margaret down on her bed gently.

He morphed into his holoform, a tan teenager, about two years older than Margaret, with long, dark brown hair with a streak of orange on one side of his hair, muscles, scars, and he was shirtless.

Margaret has never seen this mode but has immediately fallen in love with it. She was so tempted to cuddle up against him in his warmth that radiated from his body.

Predaking smirked as he got closer to Margaret, chest to chest close, and his lips were inches from Margarets. She looked at him confused, but on the inside she knew what he was going to do.

Predaking stroked her face with one of his hands and said, "I've always dreamed of being a human so I could do this." And he softly kissed her lips.

Margaret thought the kiss was so passionate, that Predaking truly loved her. That he would never leave her the way Jack did. She leaned into the kiss, holding onto Predaking's broad shoulders.

Predaking smirked as he tried to push his glossa into Margaret's mouth, but she playfully kept her mouth shut.

But Predaking pushed her onto her bed and gained dominance. His glossa moved around every corner in her mouth, while he softly moaned.

Margaret moaned loudly, getting really into the kiss. But Predaking stopped kissing her lips and began to trail down from her neck to her soft spot. She moaned in pleasure, "Predaking..."

Predaking stopped and asked, "Do you wish to go further?" While holding onto his belt that held up his pants.

Margaret shook her head and said, "I do not wish to go further. Sorry."

Predaking kissed her cheek and said, "Don't be sorry...I love you."

Margaret smiled and replied, "I love you more."

"And I love you most." Predaking sighed.

The two laid there on Margaret's bed cuddling together. Margaret felt safe in Predaking's arms, that nothing could hurt her now.

She snuggled close to his warm chest, her head under his chin, and fell asleep.

(Sorry it's short but I just wanted to make a cute short chapter...I'm actually going home from Catalina, an island off the coast of California, for a school trip!)

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