Meeting Up With The Past

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Jack left, and Margaret walked through the empty halls of the Nemesis. She went into the communications room and checked if Soundwave was in there.

Thankfully he wasn't, and she opened a groundbridge. As she walked into the groundbridge, Soundwave returned. He tried to catch her before he went through, but he was too late.

Margaret walked into a beautiful forest, near a crystal blue lake. She walked up a grassy hill and overlooked the land. She laid down in the soft grass, and closed her eyes.

~On The Nemesis~

"SHE DID WHAT?!" Megatron yelled at Soundwave. Soundwave played a video of Margaret from an hour before she left. She was on her phone. She was talking to a girl, but the words were faint.

Margaret spoke up, "I'll be coming to the lake soon, Brittany. Just give me an hour." She then hung up and walked out of the room.

Soundwave ended the call and Megatron said, "Send Predaking after her." Soundwave nodded and headed for Predaking's quarters.

~With Margaret~

Margaret laid peacefully in the grass until she heard a very hyper female voice pipe up, "Well hi Margs!!!"

Margaret's eyes opened and she chuckled, "What took you so long Brit?"

Brittany sighed, "Well if you don't remember my house is like, 2 hours away from here!!!"

Margaret rolled her eyes and stood up. She hugged Brittany and sighed, "I haven't seen you in sooooooo many years has it been?"

Brittany let go of her friend and said, "It has been....4 years I suppose? You left Arizona so long ago...."

Margaret nodded and said, "Yea...I sure miss that place." The two friends walked through the peaceful forest, chasing after every squirrel they saw.

But then there were large footsteps coming toward them. Margaret realized it might be her father or one of his followers.

She motioned Brittany to go faster in the other direction. Soon they began to run. The loud steps sounded like they were going faster, and getting closer.

Margaret motioned Brittany into a nearby cave, and said, "Do not leave this cave, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. I'll call for you when it's safe. And whatever you do, do NOT look outside."

With that said, Margaret left Brittany in the dark cave. She stood tall, waiting to chew out the mech or femme who decided to ruin her day.

Margaret's eyes widened as she saw who followed her. It was Predaking. But the shock soon faded away and she stomped up to the Predacon king, angry.

She growled, "Did father send you after me?!" Predaking jumped in shock of how much anger was in her small fleshy body.

Margaret shook her head, "I'm not going back until I want to go back. You and my father can't make me."

Predaking sighed, "I will tell Lord Megatron of your wishes, but if he comes for you, it's not my fault he's overprotective of his long lost femling."

Margaret nodded and they both walked in separate directions.

When Predaking disappeared, Margaret moved toward the cave, but Brittany wasn't the only one there. There was a large python, coiled around Brittany's legs.

Margaret yelled, "Britt!" She pulled out her dagger and charged at the snake. The snake uncoiled around Brittany and let her go.

Margaret yelled, "Brittany. GO!" Brittany froze for a bit before exiting the cave.

Margaret and the snake were in a standoff. Both raring to strike at each other. But Margaret changed at the last second, and ran at inhuman speeds out of the cave.

The snake came after her and Brittany, whom Margaret was dragging along through the fields. The girls retreated to the forest, Margaret hoping that Predaking was still in the area, or to lose the snake.

They came out onto the hill where Margaret originally came from. The snake cornered them at the top of the hill, where there was a 50-foot drop waiting for the girls.

Predaking was long gone, Margaret wishing that she didn't shoo him off. Margaret looked at the drop and realized...she was a seeker. She can fly.

She grabbed Brittany and jumped off the cliff.

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