First Mission

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Margaret woke up around 8, still tired. But Megatron came into her room without warning and startled her out of her sleepiness.

She sighed, "Good morning, father."

Megatron chuckled, "Did I wake you?" Margaret groaned, "Yes..." He laughed again, and picked her up from her bed and set her down on the ground.

She stumbled but quickly recovered. She rolled her eyes and said, "What do you need father?"

Megatron laughed, "Not a very happy femme today are you, daughter?"

Margaret groaned, "I won't be very happy unless you tell me what you woke me up for." She took an apple out of the fridge and chomped down on it.

Megatron said, "Well I'll cut to the chase. I need you to go on a mission with Predaking."

Margaret looked up at her father shocked, and almost choked on her apple. She said, "Wait what? What mission?"

Megatron sighed, "Get dressed and meet me in communications then I'll tell you."

He then walked out, leaving Margaret confused. She stripped out of her pajamas and pulled up her short jean shorts and pulled on her grey tank top.

She stepped out into the dark, empty halls and walked to the communications room. She passed by some insecticons, whom Knockout warned her to stay away from.

But the Insecticons just bowed and walked away. Margaret just walked it off. She entered communications and waved to Soundwave who was working on the main computer.

Megatron was standing by Predaking and talking to him. Margaret sneaked up behind her father and eavesdropped on them.

Megatron said, "Protect my daughter on this mission. She must not get caught OR seen by the Autobots."

Predaking nodded in agreement, "Cross my spark and hope to offline."

Margaret chimed in, "I can take care of myself you know." Megatron jumped at the sudden sound of his daughters voice.

Megatron sighed, "I didn't even know that you were there dear. Now, about the mission...there's a large stockpile of energon in a cave near a beach in Catalina. A island near California. I trust you to bring the energon to the ship."

Margaret gave him a thumbs up and said, "You got it, pops." Predaking lowered one of his claws and Margaret hopped on.

The groundbridge opened behind them. Margaret waved to her father and entered the groundbridge with Predaking.


Predaking's large feet left big indents in the warm sand, and Margaret's small, bare feet left tiny little indents. She tried her best to keep up with the large mech.

The cave was full of energon. It was all packed in metal boxes, easy for Margaret to carry at least two of them. But Predaking and Margaret were there to only make sure the transport goes smoothly.

Margaret was in her red sundress with her pink bikini under it. The vehicons and insecticons looked at her as they passed through the entrance of the cave, putting the energon out on the beach.

Predaking already beat Margaret to the center of the cave, where he stood watching the vehicons and insecticons move the energon for pickup.

Margaret leaned onto Predaking's large foot, watching a vehicon drop a energon cube.

Margaret walked up to the miner and the miner immediately stopped and saluted her. She said, "Do you need help?" The miner froze for a second and then asked, "How can you carry it Princess Margaret?"

Margaret looked at him confused and said, "So that's what you guys call me now. All right that's...a little awkward ok...well I can levitate heavy objects." Her hand glowed red and then the energon did also. She lifted her hand and the energon lifted with it.

The miner marveled at the sight of Margaret's levitation powers. The other vehicons looked at her as she went through the cave entrance. Predaking watched her help the vehicons empty the cave of the energon.

Margaret sighed, "No signs of the Autobots. Nice." She walked out to the beach and removed her sundress, exposing her bikini. Predaking walked out of the cave and noticed the Nemesis picking up the energon.

Predaking turned to Margaret his optics wide. He looked at her body from head to toe.

Margaret noticed him staring and turned around. She caught him and he jumped. Predaking stuttered, "I-I um..."

Margaret laughed and ran up to him. She grabbed his foot and said, "Come swim with me."

She ran into the ocean and Predaking followed. She swam into the deep water, where the water reached Predaking's hip.

Margaret did laps around his hips as he tried to catch her in his claws. Margaret laughed, "You can't catch me!!!" Predaking chuckled, "The dragon always catches the princess in fairy tales you know."

Margaret dived and came up behind him. She said, "So this is a fairytale now Predaking?" Predaking turned and grabbed her. Margaret laughed, "Well then I guess it is a have caught me dragon."

Predaking chuckled, "Your mine now, my princess." He brought her up to his faceplate and kissed her small cheek. She sighed, "I will always be your princess. And you will be my dragon king." She kissed him on his lips.

She has fallen in love with the beast.

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