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Margaret's lifeless body laid on a berth in the med bay, surrounded by a nervous Knockout, who was hooking her up to machines, Predaking, who kept on hitting the wall in anger growling, "All my fault. ALL. MY. FAULT.", and Annie crying in the corner.

Megatron didn't know about his daughters off lining yet. He was still in space with Dreadwing.

Knockout scanned Margaret's spark chamber, still hearing a faint beat. He looked closer at the wound, and noticed, that the bullet was 5 inches away from her spark. He still had a chance to save her life.

~In Margaret's Dream P.O.V~

I was surrounded by Autobots. They had their guns pointed all at me when I heard Optimus speak, "Margaret. We have you surrounded. Now lower your weapons and accept your fate."

I growled but then I thought, "What the hell I don't have weapons?!" But then I looked down and saw my saber and shotgun. I didn't lower them. Instead, my wings came out of my back, and I flew up and began to slice off their heads and shot their sparks.

There was only Optimus left. I cut off both of his arms and he screamed in pain. I chuckled, "Well Optimus, I think it's time for you to give up, don't you think?"

Optimus groaned, "Why...why do this to me? You used to love me like your own father...but now you wish me dead..." He laid down, and I suddenly felt a rush of guilt flow through me.

His optics grew faint, as he slowly bled out his energon. I felt hot tears roll down my cheek as I look down upon the Cybertronian I once called friend and family. I remembered when he took me off the streets, just knowing that I was special.

I let out a monstrous screech when he off lined. I looked at his lifeless husk just covered in his energon. I felt so much agonizing pain in my chest, like my spark was breaking. But then I realized. This is a dream. The real Optimus is not dead. I am. But I still feel an excruciating pain in my chest.

What the hell, I thought. But then I heard a voice. Knockout. Knockout was calling for me. It was so faint. "Margaret...Margaret..." Then there was a flash of light, and I slowly saw the blurry figure of the red mech calling for me.

~Back to Reality Margaret P.O.V~

There was others in the room. Predaking. He was against the wall, facing away from me. He was crying and holding onto his spark chamber, like his spark has broken.

Annie was also in the room. She had stains from her tears on her cheeks. She's been crying for a while. I didn't move, but when Knockout turned back around and faced me, I shut my eyes.

I could hear him sigh, "She's not waking up. I think she's going to stay in a coma...for who knows how long..."

I could hear Annie begin to cry and I could hear Predaking growl, "Why couldn't I protect her...I COULD'VE SAVED HER FROM THIS FATE!"

I was kinda a joker but now I knew it went a...little, far. I opened my eyes and saw Knockouts sorrowful face. But when he laid his optics on me he showed pure joy.

I giggled as he picked me up and gave me an awkward hug. I heard Predaking and Annie gasp, "She's alive!" And they came up to Knockout and I and we all had an awkward hug.

~Regular story: No P.O.V~

"YOU LET STARSCREAM WHAT?!" Megatron yelled. Predaking fell to the ground as Megatron hit his helm hard.

Margaret walked in as her father was about to strike Predaking with his sword. Her eyes grew wide as she screamed, "NO! FATHER! Don't HURT HIM!!!"

Megatron stopped at the last second, looking down at his daughter, who slowly began to cry.

He retracted his sword and walked past Predaking. He picked her up and said, "Margaret. Knockout told you to rest. You might break the stitches."

Margaret growled, "I don't care! It wasn't Predaking's fault! It was mine. I was worried about Predaking getting harmed and Starscream called me a harlet and...I became furious..."

Megatron looked at his daughter confused and Margaret continued, "But don't worry father, I remember that I heard the off lining of Starscream's spark."

From behind, Predaking choked, "She's r-right..."

Megatron looked at Predaking and then back to his daughter. He sighed, "I will spare his life daughter."

Margaret nodded and said, "Thank you, father."

Megatron set her down and she ran to Predaking and hugged his face plate. He whispered, "Thank you."

Margaret smiled and whispered back, "That's what people do for others they love with all their hearts."

Megatron returned to his quarters, still angry that his daughter was almost off lined by his traitorous second in command. But he was more furious about his daughter making him spare the life of the beast that he feared.

Margaret and Predaking returned to the med bay. Margaret curled up to Predaking's chest, taking the warmth from his spark chamber. She purred as Predaking laid down on a berth. Margaret closed her eyes and said, "I love you Predaking." And Predaking purred, "And I love you too, my princess."

(Aww I love ending chapters like this...sorry but short and sweet for this chapter!!!)

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