Deathly Sick

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The next day Margaret woke up with a screeching headache. But she got out of bed and struggled to get on her gown. Annie was still asleep and Margaret let her rest.

Margaret limped out of her room down to the throne room, her energy almost depleted. She made it to her fathers throne, whimpering at the sight of her long climb to the top.

She grabbed on and pulled herself up onto the throne. She fell down and grasped her head and gut, the main area where the pain was coming from.

Margaret gasped for air, like she was out of breath, out of energy. Her sweat dripped off her face, feeling like she was just shoved into an oven. She groaned and hit a button on the throne that called for a vehicon.

Blue Skye entered the room and looked at the sickly Margaret who gasped, "Bl-blue...Help m-me..." He stared at her in shock and cried, "What in the world happened?!"

Margaret tried to speak, "I-I'm s-sick..." And she began to throw up on Blue Skye's servo. She began to tear up and whimpered, "S-sorry..."

Blue Skye sighed as he took her to Knockout, "It's alright. Let it out if you have to."

Knockout was playing a game on his data pad when Blue Skye and Margaret entered the med bay. Knockout looked at the mech oddly until he noticed the bile-covered Margaret in his servos.

He gasped, "What happened?!"

Margaret gagged, "I-I'm...Si-sick."

Knockout scurried up to them and took Margaret into his servos, not caring about the bile he got on his own servos. He gently settled Margaret onto a berth and hooked her up to a spark monitor and scanned her body.

Knockout's optics grew wide as he read the results from the scan.

Blue Skye sighed impatiently, "What is it? What's wrong with her?"

Knockout whispered, "Her human''s..."

Blue Skye groaned, "What?! Spit it out, doctor!"

Knockout sighed, "Her human half is dying. She won't be able to live unless...unless I transform her into her original self. The energon that has been flowing through her body since she was transformed into a techno-organic has been wasting away at her human half, destroying it, piece by piece."

Blue Skye turned to Margaret, who was looking at him in fear. She then turned to Knockout and said, "Tell m-my father..."

Knockout silenced Margaret and said, "Shh...keep your strength. I'll tell Lord Megatron immediately that you need the transformation to live." He then turned to Blue Skye and said, "Video comm Lord Megatron right now. Go!"

Blue Skye didn't hesitate to run out of the med bay.


"Where is she?!" Megatron yelled as he entered the Nemesis. A vehicon stuttered, "S-sleeping in t-the med bay, L-lord Megatron."

Megatron growled and walked to the med bay to see his daughter on a berth, sleeping soundly, coughing from time to time. He sighed and walked up to her. His large digit caressed her sweaty face, tear running down his faceplate.

Megatron sighed, "Don't worry. The transformation IS going to be painful, but it will be worth it and the pain will be short. You'll be able to be your original self. But don't cry dear, you'll be able to be 'human' after we set up your holoform after you turn." He got down on his knees and rested his arm on the berth.

Megatron began to sob, for the first time in a long time. Knockout, who just entered the room, stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do about his sobbing leader.

Knockout stuttered, "L-lord Megatron?"

Megatron stopped crying and growled, "What?!"

Knockout said, "Oh um...never mind." And ran out.

Megatron rolled his optics and turned to Margaret, who groaned, "Father? You're b-back?" He hushed her and whispered, "Yes dear...and I won't ever leave you again."

Margaret whispered, "I love you, dad." Megatron sighed, "We'll get you fixed just hold on, dear. Your going to feel a lot better soon."

Margaret smiled and said, "I hope so, father."

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