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Megatron left when Margaret wanted to recharge, and Knockout returned to the room. He sighed, "Are you ready for the sleeping medicine, Margaret?"

Margaret groaned, "Can t-to...Predaking?"

Knockout sighed, "Of course, princess." He turned and comm'ed Predaking and said, "Margaret wishes to see you in the med bay." Predaking answered, "Why is she there?!"

Knockout sighed, "She's...she's deathly sick. Her human body is dying and she needs to be transformed into her Cybertronian mode to live. The energon that has been flowing through her human veins have been eating away at her human DNA."

Predaking growled, "Why wasn't I informed?!"

Knockout rolled his eyes and said, "She's been in here since yesterday! Primus..."

Predaking growled, "I'll be there soon."

Knockout cut off the connection and turned to Margaret. She was trying to sit up. Knockout sighed and helped her sit up. She sighed, "Thanks."

Knockout smiled and said, "No problem. Predaking will be here so-" Knockout was cut off when Predaking came rushing in, a worried look on his face.

Margaret smiled and sighed, "Predaking."

Predaking's worried looked turned into a happy smile as he sighed, "My princess." He walked up to Margaret and leaned down close to give her a kiss on her hot forehead.

Margaret whispered, "I don't have...m-much time...I'll be changing soon."

Predaking closed his optics and said, "It's going to be painful."

"I know, father told me." Margaret groaned.

Knockout cut in, "She needs to be put in stasis soon."

Predaking sighed, "I have to go now, princess. But I'll be back from my mission when your changed."

Margaret whispered, "Be careful. I love you..."

Predaking whispered, "I love you more." And walked out.

Margaret then whimpered to herself, "I love you most..."

Knockout inserted a small needle into Margaret's arm and her eyelids began to drop until they fully closed. She breathed softly in her dreamful sleep.

~Margaret's Dreamworld~

"Where...where am I?" Margaret asked.

She was on a grassy hill with a large pine tree standing over her and the moon was high in the sky, signaling that it was late at night.

A large golden figure stepped out from behind the tree, and Margaret suddenly knew who it was.

"M-mother?!" Margaret stuttered. Margaret's mother laughed, "Yes. Yes it's me dear."

Margaret asked, "Where am I mother?"

Her mother sighed, "Your Dreamworld, dear. This was the only way I could warn you."

Margaret stuttered, "W-warn? Why?"

Margaret's mother whispered, "Your not going to make it through the surgery..."

Margaret's eyes widened and she stepped back from her mother in disbelief. She stuttered, "H-how? How can myself from t-this fate, mother?"

Margaret's mother sighed, "Ratchet. Only Ratchet can save you." She raised her hand and a blue phone appeared. Margaret's mom continued, "You must get your father to comm Ratchet. It is your only hope."

The phone floated down to Margaret and she immediately called her father.

She spoke frantically into the phone, "Father! Father! It's me, Margaret!"

Megatron stuttered, "M-Margaret? But your in the middle of transformation!"

Margaret said, "Father! Y-you need to get Ratchet! Mother tells me that I won't survive the procedure...Get Ratchet!"

Megatron was still confused and was taking a while to process what was happening. He began to speak, "I...How...what is happening?"

Margaret sighed, "No time for questions father. It's time to put some faith in me and do what I just told you to do or I am gonna die!"

Margaret hung up and turned to her mother. Her mother was beginning to fade away. She sighed, "Your losing time..."

Margaret tried to grab her mother, but when she grabbed her arm all she got was golden dust. She cried, "Please mother! Don't leave me!"

Margaret collapsed as her Dreamworld began to fall apart.

~Real World~

Megatron obeyed his daughter, even though he thought he was going insane, and comm'ed the Autobot medic.

Ratchet picked up and Megatron began to explain what was happening. In about a minute, Ratchet showed up with Optimus Prime.

Megatron was pleased that the medic came, even though he and his daughter have done terrible things.

~Margaret's Dreamworld~

Everything was gone. Margaret saw nothing. She could feel the life draining from her body. Her mind was slowly falling apart. Where was Ratchet? She thought.

In reality, Ratchet was trying his best to save her.

Margaret was scared. Darkness filled her mind. All she saw was flicks of light. She stood up, barely breathing. Margaret screamed, "Mother! Please! I need you!"

She cried, grasping her chest, feeling her heartbeat, going slower and slower.

But there was the light. It flickered once. Twice. Then it covered all the darkness. Margaret was back to reality.

Familiar faces surrounded her, Ratchet, Optimus, her father, Knockout, Predaking, and pretty much all of the vehicon troops and the insecticon hive.

Margaret felt different. She felt the change.

(OMG I have been soooo busy! I haven't had any inspiration for this story until now, and finals for school has been killing me! I apologize for the wait of the last chapter, and apologize if you didn't like the end. I don't know if I'm going to continue Margaret's story, I'll wait until I get some inspiration.)

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