Road Trip

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"Can we go on a road trip Knockout? Please? I'll buff your paint job all the time!" Margaret begged.

Knockout rolled his optics and said, "Fine. But you better not be lying about the buffing." Margaret crossed her heart and then put up three fingers like a Girl Scout does and said, "Scouts honor!"

Knockout transformed into his sleek sports car mode and Margaret got into the drivers seat. Knockout asked, "Where are we 'road tripping' to?"

Margaret opened a groundbridge and then answered, "Del Mar. I want to go get a tan!"

Knockout revved his engine and drove through the groundbridge.

~Berlin, Germany~

Jack went into a dense forest, where Ratchet told him to meet for a groundbridge.

He sighed, "Why Margaret? Why Germany?"

A groundbridge opened in front of him and Ratchet walked out. He asked, "Now how did you get here?"

Jack sighed, "I...Broke up with Margaret...and she sent me here for some reason..." Ratchet nodded and picked up Jack. He turned and walked through the groundbridge.

~Del Mar Beach~

"Ah this...this is nice..." Margaret sighed. She laid down on her pink beach towel she just laid down by Knockouts red one, which he was laying on.

Knockout's holoform was a well built pale man with red hair slicked back and a small, well trimmed beard on his chin. On the right side of his chest he had the Decepticon insignia as a red tattoo and red swim trunks.

Margaret put on her black sunglasses and sighed, "Best day to be on the beach." Knockout chuckled, "I agree. This 'beach' is one of the things I like on this planet. Other than sleek sports cars."

Margaret laughed and stood up. She asked Knockout, "Want to swim in the water or are you going to lull around on the beach towel?"

Knockout chuckled and stood up. He looked at Margaret evilly and grabbed her. Knockout threw her onto his shoulder and walked down into the water.

He walked into the deep end and dropped Margaret into the water without warning. Knockout laughed, "Does that answer your question?"

Margaret rolled her eyes and jumped onto Knockout's back. They both laughed and played, not noticing the time.

When the sun began to set, Margaret said, "Knockout, it's time for our next destination."

Knockout nodded and they got their towels and dried off. As they got close to Knockout's alt, his holoform disappeared.

Margaret pulled on her shorts and tank and climbed into the drivers seat. They drove off and once they were away from other humans Margaret opened another groundbridge.

Knockout drove through the groundbridge and they ended up in Sedona, Arizona.

Margaret sighed, "Ah good memories in these red mountains..."

Knockout asked, "So you have been here before?" Margaret nodded and said, "Yea...with Smokescreen..."

Margaret sighed, "I kinda miss them...but the other half of me doesn't want to see them ever again..."

Knockout sighed, "You won't run off to them right? You won't leave us?"

Margaret shook her head and said, "Never. I will never leave you guys. Ever. You guys are my REAL family. And I love you all."

Knockout sped up, going a little over the speed limit as he reached the small town. He sighed, "We love you too, Margs."

Margaret smiled and leaned back in the car seat. They passed stores and marketplaces, full of odd people and odd objects worth a fortune.

Margaret sighed, "This is definitely a town for people who have talent on the canvas."

Knockout then slowed down. Margaret wondered why and Knockout said, "We need to get out of here. Somehow your old 'Autobot chums' knew you would come here."

Margaret turned around and saw Smokescreen and Arcee. And with Arcee was Jack.

Margaret murmured, "Jack the mother fucker Rrrrg! Why does he have to stalk me like a weird ex?"

Knockout then asked, "Where can we open a groundbridge without being seen?"

Margaret thought for a bit until she said, "Slide Rock! It should be closed because it's too cold to swim!"

Knockout sped up and headed for Slide Rock.

Smokescreen and Arcee followed closely behind. Smokescreen asked, "Where do you think Knockout is taking her?"

Jack answered, "Her favorite place to go. Slide Rock."

Smokescreen remembered the place, how to get there, and how Margaret loved it with all her heart er...spark.

Knockout reached Slide Rock, the Autobots about 5 minutes away. Margaret hopped out and moved the wooden fence guarding the entrance and Knockout drove through.

There was no one in the creek area, since it was too cold to swim.

Margaret hopped down the stone steps and opened a groundbridge. Knockout walked through first, and as Margaret was about to step into the groundbridge, Smokescreen stopped her.

He asked, "Why do you run away?"

Margaret sighed, "I have a real family I need to keep living for. I'm not leaving them alone in this war." And she jumped through the ground bridge and closed it when she arrived on the Nemesis.

Margaret sighed, "Hello, father." As she looked up at him, his red optics full of anger.

Megatron tried to calm his anger, trying to not lash out on his daughter. He calmed down and sighed, "Why did you disobey and leave when I told you to ask first before you disappear?"

Margaret looked down at her feet, knowing she was in trouble. She sighed, "I'm sorry father. I just really wanted to go driving with Knockout."

Megatron had no reaction. All he said was, "Go to your room for the rest of the night. Your 'grounded' for 3 days." And he turned around to face the ships main computer.

Margaret whispered to herself, "Damn it." Megatron heard her but decided to ignore it.

Margaret quickly walked back to her room, locking the door. She did not wish to be disturbed.

The road trip was over.

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