Leading Is HARD. Part 1

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Margaret groaned as she looked over mining reports recently sent to her that she's been scrolling through for hours. She rubbed her sore eyes and leaned back in her fathers large throne. Margaret tossed the data pads to the side and massaged her aching head.

She groaned, "Why are all these reports so fragging long? All they are doing are gathering energon!"

Margaret curled up and yawned, "I'm taking a damn nap I freaking deserve it because of what happened earlier."

~3 hours ago~

"Woo Hoo! Margaret's in charge! That means it's time to parrtaaayy!!!" A vehicon yelled as he turned on dub-step, human music that the vehicons have taken a liking to.

Margaret tried to get the vehicons to stop dancing and having high grade drinking contests but all of them wouldn't listen. Even Red Skye, Steve, and Blue Jay.

Margaret yelled, "Guys you have to get back to work! C'mon!"

But nobody could hear her over the music.

Predaking saw her struggling and screeching at the vehicons, telling them to stop. One vehicon was completely drunk and fell over, almost falling on Margaret, whom Predaking saved from being squished.

Margaret yelled over the music, "Thank you love for saving me, but now can you help me lead?"

Predaking laughed, "Of course I'll help." Then he growled at the vehicon, "I should offline you for almost squishing our leader."

The vehicon just squirmed on the floor and spoke gibberish.

Margaret rolled her eyes as they made it to the center of all the vehicons.

Predaking said, "Cover your ears. This is going to be loud." Margaret nodded and covered her ears as Predaking set her down.

He transformed and screeched loudly, Margaret flinching but not uncovering her ears as she saw all the vehicons covering their audio receptors and crawling back in horror.

Predaking transformed back and growled, "The leader has told you many times to get back to your rightful jobs not pounding back pints of high grade!"

He looked down at Margaret who uncovered her ears and said, "Tell them your orders, your highness."

Margaret nodded, turned to the vehicons, put her hands on her hips and spoke loud and clear, "Listen my soligers and listen well. I want all of you to get back to your jobs...if your SOBER. If your drunk, go to the med bay and stay in the med bay. When you think you are sober, go do your jobs. If any of you, and I mean ANY of you are caught slacking or pounding back some high grade, you will be offlined."

The vehicons gasped and whispered to each other, "Offlined? Offlined? She's as cruel as her father! I guess tyranny and evil run through her veins. She could never be nice."

Margaret's eyes widened and she growled at their words.

But sadness overran the anger and a tear fell down her cheek she quickly brushed away. She sighed, "I'll be at my fathers throne. I'll be working on data pads."


Margaret cried as she slept, remembering the cruel things that the vehicons whispered about her. What made her even more sad she saw Steve and Red Skye talking scrap about her too.

She growled as she sat up, unable to sleep.

Margaret rubbed her eyes and scowled at the data pads. She grumbled, "I'm starting to hate these data pads...and the vehicons."

Just then Knockout came into the room tapping things on his data pad.

Margaret growled, "What is it Knockout? I'm not in the mood to be patient."

Knockout looked up from his data pad and chuckled, "You do take after your father." He then reported, "There have been two vehicons drinking high grade. They go by... 91M6 and... 42H97."

Margaret scowled, angry that two vehicons, even though they knew they were going to be offlined, broke the rules. She hopped off the throne and stomped over to the sector where the vehicons were, Predaking and Knockout on her tail.

Margaret grabbed her sword and sheath and put in on her hip and went up to the vehicons, sword at the ready.

The two vehicons looked at Margaret and realized they were caught. They threw the high grade at Predaking and Knockout and ran.

Margaret chuckled, "Fools. You can't escape my wrath." Her hands glowed red as she lifted the vehicons off the ground, who helplessly tried to get out of her levitation powers. She dragged them toward her and slammed them on the ground.

They tried to get up and run again but Predaking sat them up and held them so they wouldn't escape.

Margaret scowled at the two vehicons who begged to her to not be offlined.

Margaret growled at the cowards, "You knew you would be offlined if you drank high grade on the job. I will show NO mercy."

She lifted up her sword and laid it on her shoulder. She walked to the vehicon on the right and raised the sword into a stabbing position.

The vehicon cried, "Please! No, your majesty! Please have mercy! It was HIS IDEA!"

Margaret heard the other vehicon yell, "What?! You liar! Why would you cheat me out and make sure I was killed?!"

Margaret growled at the first vehicon, "Your a deceiver. You ratted out your own brother. Because of that, it will be YOUR life that I take!" She jammed the sword into his chest and glared at his optics until they showed that he has offlined.

The vehicon looked down at his fallen betraying brother. He then looked at Margaret who glared at the fallen mech. The vehicon asked, "Does this mean?"

Margaret growled, "Let him go, Predaking."

Predaking did what he was told and let go of the vehicon. The vehicon bowed and said, "Bless you, your highness! Thank you for sparing my spark. You are a merciful, just, leader. Bless you."

He then stood up and returned to his job.

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