Freedom Lost

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~2 weeks after grounding~

"But father, isn't it too dangerous for me?" Margaret whined.

Megatron scowled, a bit angry that his daughter was afraid of a fight. He growled, "Nothing is too dangerous for you, my daughter. You should be prepared for any fight against the Autobots."

Margaret stepped back, for once afraid of her father and his deep growl. She stuttered, "Y-yes father..." And walked into the groundbridge waiting for her.

She was sent on a dangerous mission to get a relic in the arctic with only five vehicons.

The cold snow blasted her face, making her squint and hold onto her heavy duty jacket. The vehicons mindlessly followed her, since they were previously stripped of their free-will to think for themselves.

Margaret yelled through the wind and pointed to an iceberg, "There's the relic! Inside that ice!"

She ran toward it and the vehicons followed. Margaret touched the ice, still feeling it's cold through her gloves. She said, "Drill here. Once you've found it, call for me." And she walked off, patrolling for Autobots.

The vehicons drilled, making very loud noises, signaling the Autobots that were a couple miles away.

Margaret noticed a red glint in the snowstorm, coming closer. As she realized the figure it was too late. The vehicons yelled, "Optimus Prime! Protect the princess!" And one of them scooped her up.

But she yelled, "PUT ME DOWN! I have to get to the relic! He mustn't have it!" And jumped off the vehicons talons.

Margaret bolted toward the relic and grabbed it. The relic was a small sword, that looked like Optimus' Star saber.

It glowed a bright red, and it melted the ice. She tightened her grip on the sword and headed for Optimus.

Optimus was finishing off the last vehicon as Margaret flew up above him, pointing her sword at him and yelled, "You should've brought back-up Prime. Because now it is...FIGHT OR DIEEE!"

She lunged at the Prime, him still shocked at her words, and sliced his cheek making him bleed energon.

Optimus stumbled and fell onto the icy snow. Margaret landed and retracted her wings into her back. She asked, "So Prime, you choose to die, then?"

Optimus stuttered, "W-why are y-you doing t-this?" Margaret chuckled and pointed her sword between his optics, "Oh Prime, I am a tyrants daughter, and sadly, one of your comrades have made me deeply enraged. Jack, it is. Now, I either kill you, or I get to feed Jack to my Predaking, my one true love. You decide."

Margaret stepped off of Optimus and flipped out her wings and flew away.

Optimus was still in shock but then Arcee and Bumblebee came. They both helped the large mech up and Arcee asked, "Who took you down? Megatron?"

Optimus stuttered, "N-no it w-was...Margaret..."

Bumblebee and Arcee's optics were wide but became even wider in shock when Optimus told them what Margaret told him.

He said, "Margaret told me, that I have to choose to die...or give her Jack to feed him to Predaking...her one true love..."

Arcee growled, "NO! She will NEVER get Jack!"

Optimus sighed, "She has grown very strong since we have last seen her...before she found out her true self. She must be destroyed I'm afraid. Or she will become a strong tyrant...even stronger than her father."


Margaret skipped with her saber on her back down the Nemesis' halls, happy that she stood up to the large Prime, all by herself, excited to tell her father.

She saw her father at the front of the ship, just looking at the stars.

She bowed and said, "Father, I have retrieved the relic and defeated the Prime in battle. He surrendered in fear and I left him in the icy snow to freeze. I do hope this pleases you father."

Megatron turned to his daughter with a smile and picked her up. He said, "I'm very proud of you, daughter. But I'm afraid you may never leave the Nemesis again...Optimus sent me a threat, telling me that you are too strong, and if he sees you again, you will be destroyed with no mercy. I'm so sorry my little girl."

Margaret looked at him in shock and began to cry, "why...oh PRIMUS WHY?!"

Megatron stroked her long, brown hair that was dangling from he face and whispered, "'s going to be ok...shh..."


She cried as she jumped from her father's servo and sprinted to her quarters, not stopping the fountain of tears.

She cried into her pillow until she finally fell asleep. Her dreams were now nightmares, thinking Optimus would find her on the Nemesis anyway, kill her father before her eyes, and then exterminate her after.

She tossed and turned in an endless nightmare, restless.

Predaking stood outside her locked door, wishing she would let him in, but she would not. She refused to let anyone in. Her heart was broken, the one thing she wished to keep the most, her freedom, was gone.

~2 weeks later~

Margaret hasn't left her room or let anyone in. She kept to the shadows when she had to go and get her food from the storage room.

Predaking longed for her, and he cried at night, wishing for her small, warm body to be in his grasp again, to know that she was safe and happy.

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