Leader For A Day

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~3 months after Margaret and Annie's return to the Nemesis~

Margaret stood above all the vehicons, giving her orders, since her father left on a trip through space with Dreadwing, who has recently returned to the Nemesis.

(I'm mixing all the seasons and episodes up y'all!!!)

Since Starscream was no longer on the Nemesis, because he was no longer part of the Decepticons, Margaret was in full control, basically the leader for the day.

She shouted, "Mining group A! Follow Knockout to the groundbridge awaiting you in hall alpha! Mining group B! Follow Soundwave to Communications for your groundbridge! Guards, follow your assigned mining groups! That is all!"

All vehicons saluted her and said, "Yes, Lord Margaret." Margaret smiled at the sound of being called, 'lord'. She thought it had a nice ring to it. Annie walked into the room, and Margaret walked up to her and hugged her. Annie said, "Hello, 'lord' Margaret."

Margaret chuckled, "It's only for a day, you know."

"Yea but I'm still gonna make fun of you. Oh and by the way, Predaking's waiting for you on the flight deck. Something about a...beach?" Annie said.

Margaret smacked herself and said, "Ah...frag! I forgot because I was so busy ordering the vehicons around!" She quickly ran out into the hall, ran to her room, grabbed her swimming suit, got out of her gown, slipped on the swim suit, took off her tiara, and flew to the flight deck.

She panted as she landed in front of Predaking, who was looking at her confused. He asked, "Giving out orders and forgot about the beach?"

Margaret sighed, "Yes, I'm sorry, Predaking."

He transformed into his beast mode and licked her face with his large glossa. She giggled and wiped the saliva from her cheek. Predaking lowly purred and nuzzled against Margaret's chest.

Margaret smiled and pet his helm with her tiny fingers. Predaking stopped nuzzling her and grabbed her gently in his claw. He put her on his back and stretched out his wings, preparing to fly.

As they were about to leave, Annie came out and yelled, "Margaret! Who's going to continue control while your gone?!"

Margaret answered, "You of course! Don't worry, Soundwave will help you!"

Annie nodded as Predaking and Margaret took to the sky. The breeze flew through Margaret's long hair, and she took a deep breath in. She remembered the smell of the ocean, the smell of all the large brown kelp in the kelp forests surrounding Catalina.

Margaret longed for the beach she once called home for 2 weeks. She longed for the beach where she fell in love with Predaking while swimming in the salty waters surrounding the island.

Once Margaret saw the cross on bible peak, she knew she was there. She knew she was back in Fox Landing, Catalina.

Margaret sighed, "I love this place."

~Back on the Nemesis~

"Um...how am I supposed to handle this?" Annie asked Soundwave, who wasn't really helping at all. She was having troubles with the Autobots. They were attacking mining group A.

Soundwave played someone's groan, like he usually does when he's annoyed. He then played Margaret's voice, "You go fight the Autobots. I'm busy doing my own scrap."

Annie sighed, "But then Optimus Prime will know something is up! He does have MY clone as his daughter you know!"

Soundwave stood still and silent, until he face palmed.

Annie groaned, "Margaret's going to be pissed but I need her. NOW."


Margaret and Predaking's holoform laid on the beach together, holding hands and letting the waves roll over their feet. Predaking kissed Margaret on the cheek and said, "I love you."

"And I love you, my king." Margaret sighed.

Predaking sat up and so did Margaret. He had a focused look on his face, that showed that he was trying to hear or see something...or someone.

Margaret asked, "What's wrong?" As she held onto Predaking. He said, "Shh. I swear I heard someone."

They both stayed silent until they both heard the sound of rocks moving. Predaking and Margaret turned around to see Starscream in his holoform. He had an evil grin on his face, and a gun in his hand.

Predaking growled as he stood in front of Margaret, protecting her. Margaret looked at Predaking, scared that he might get hurt. She sat in the rocks, unable to move without the thought of Starscream shooting her or Predaking.

Starscream laughed, "So, the beast and the princess. How, romantic. How, terrible." He then looked at Margaret and asked, "How can a beautiful princess like you Margaret, love a beast like him? I bet you don't even love him! Your probably just asking for him just to frag you so you can feel the sensation of interface before you are killed by Optimus, you harlet."

Now that pissed both Predaking and Margaret off. But Margaret was seething in anger. Red flames erupted from all around her. She growled, "I am no harlet. I do love Predaking with all my heart. He is no beast. Your going to regret those words Starscream."

Starscream chuckled, "No. I don't think I will." He raised his gun to Margaret's spark chamber and pulled the trigger. Everything for Margaret went dark. All she could hear was Predaking's screams and growls.

She could hear the off lining of Starscream's spark and then her sisters cries. She thought to herself before she lost all consciousness, "How...how did Annie get here?"

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