Back to School

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Chapter 2: Back to School

*Week After Margaret figured out about the femling*

"RAWR!!!" Margaret growled as she came up behind Jack. He screamed loudly, and Margaret laughed hard. She breathed, "OMG you are hilarious when you get scared!!!" Jack laughed, "Thanks for the heart attack Margs."

The two were at lunch at KO Burger, since 16 year olds with cars at lunch for school can drive to get their own lunch off-campus.

Jack finished his burger as Margaret finished her chocolate shake. Just then Jacks employer walked up to him and asked, "Will you be working after school, Mr. Darby?" Jack looked at Margaret and then back to his boss and said, "I was wondering if I could work tomorrow since..." Jack nudged his head over to Margaret, signaling to his boss he wanted to go on a date tonight.

His boss nodded and shook Jack's shoulder and said, "Ah she's a beauty Mr. Darby, your a lucky young man. Yes, you can work tomorrow. But it's a Saturday, try not to be late." Jack nodded and his boss left.

Jack turned to Margaret and she was standing by the trash can by the exit. She said curiously, "Are you going to work tonight?" Jack shook his head and said, "No I don't have to. I was you...wanna go on a...d-date with me?" Margaret smiled and laughed, "I thought you would never ask! I would love to go on a date with you!" Jack sighed with relief and noticed the clock and said, "Oh scrap we need to get back to school!" Margaret laughed, "Then let's get runnin' hun!"

They returned to school safely, and both weren't late to their next classes, Jack, Chemistry, and Margaret, English.

Margaret slowly read her book she was assigned, a classic, Frankenstein. She loved monster stories, and she had to beg her teacher to get this book assigned to her.

Just then, the bell rang and Margaret shoved the book in her bag. Just before she could leave, her teacher, Ms.Makeneitz, stopped her. She said to Margaret, "Ms.Margaret? How have you been with your new family?" Margaret was shocked by her teacher asking. She replied, "Fine. Better than living on the streets. I still have my freedom like I did on the streets." Ms.Makeneitz nodded and said, "That's good. Now hustle your bustle to your last class!"

Margaret waved and ran to her last period, Social Studies. She had Social Studies twice, because her last period is when she was a T.A. She changed classes for T.A. every week, so she could help all her teachers. The fun thing about having last period Social Studies T.A. is that Raf and Miko were in the class.

The class had a project to do, about World War II. Miko and Raf paired together, and Margaret, knowing a lot about past wars, agreed to help.

"Margaret!!! Who's Stalin?!?!" Miko yelled across the room to Margaret, who was quickly helping another group. She walked over to Miko and said, "He was the leader for communist Russia. U.S.S.R."

Miko nodded and said, "When does this class end?" Margaret laughed and sighed, "In 15 minutes Miko, don't die on me from boredom!" Miko laughed and Raf laughed along. He was researching Stalin and WWII on his new laptop he had gotten from Margaret for Christmas.

Margaret said, "So how do you like your new laptop Raf?" Raf slowly looked away from the device and said, "It's amazing!" Margaret nodded and laughed, "Good."

Margaret noticed another group who needed her help, since Mr.Yongenauf left the class. She shook Raf and Miko's shoulders and said, "Be right back."

Class ended, and Miko begged for Margaret to hurry up and put away her stuff. They made it out and Margaret had to wait for Smokescreen. She huffed, remembering after school that he wouldn't pick her up and she began to walk to base since the others have already left, thinking Smokescreen would arrive soon.

As Margaret left the city line of Jasper, and entered the empty, rocky desert, she heard a car engine roar. She hid, thinking it was a vehicon, or worse, Knockout. She peeked around the rock to see Smokescreen in his Cybertronian form, searching for her. He looked around her rock and said, "There you are Margaret!" And he picked her up gently. "I've been waiting for you Smokey. I forgot you were scouting with Optimus." Margaret said apologetically. Smokescreen smirked and set her down, while transforming into his alternate form. He opened his passenger door and Margaret got in, throwing her back pack in the back.

~On the Nemesis~

"Starscream! Have you found another rouge femling?!" Megatron yelled at his second in command. Starscream turned from his research and said, "There is one with the Autobot named, Smokescreen. She's a...a techno-organic." Megatron nodded and replied, "Give me a visual of her."

Starscream zoomed into the picture of Smokescreen with Margaret. Her hair was covering half of her face, but her ruby red optics glowed enough to still see them.

Megatron's stern face turned into a face of relief. He whispered, "She has Star's optics. Only a energon test will tell if the small techno-organic is her."

Starscream turned to his master and said, "Should I send Knockout to attack the Autobot mech to get the techno-organic?" Megatron shook his head an said, "Wait until she's alone or with a weak human comrade. Then let Knockout strike."

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