Leading is HARD. Part 2

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Margaret returned to her fathers throne to sulk, finally realizing she had killed one of his soligers. She stayed in the corner of the large throne, curled up, hiding her face with her arms and legs.

Annie walked in and sighed, "Margaret." Annie almost tripped on her gown as she walked up to her sister and climbed up the tall throne.

Annie stood before her sulking older sister, an annoyed look on her face.

Margaret grumbled as she showed her tear-stained face, "Leave me be, sister."

Annie rolled her eyes and sighed, "No. You need to stop acting this way. You killed a vehicon that was disobeying your rule. Father will be proud when we video call him later. He's been calling for you over and over and I have been covering you by saying that you've been working so hard that I couldn't wake you up from your peaceful nap. You need to speak to him, sis."

Margaret growled and stood up, looking down on her sister that was a foot shorter than her. She hissed, "Fine. But let me clean up first."

Margaret hopped off the throne and Annie followed. They returned to their room and Margaret washed her face and brushed her tangled hair. Annie held onto Margaret's tiara as she finished up.

Margaret grumbled, "Get dad on the line." And she grabbed her tiara and put it on her head.

Annie chuckled, "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today didn't she?" And she began to get Megatron on the line.

Margaret growled, "Don't push it sis. Not in the mood." Margaret stood before the large screen as her father came into vision.

Megatron chuckled, "Ah, my dear baby Star, you have finally woken up!"

Margaret laughed, "Yes, but I am still tired. The vehicons are hard to control."

Megatron looked confused and asked, "What? Hard to control?" And he growled, "What have they been doing?"

Margaret sighed, "An hour after you left, they began to drink high grade and listen to what humans call, 'music'. I tried to get them to stop but half of them were already drunk and Predaking saved me from being squished by a few drunk vehicons."

Megatron growled, "What?! How dare they!"

Margaret groaned, "Trust me father, there's more. Predaking got there attention and I began to tell them that if they were drunk they went to the med bay till they were sober, and if they were sober go back to work. And if they were drinking high grade on the job, they would be offlined."

Megatron nodded and laughed, "it seems like you are doing well being a warlord. I would've offlined all who drank high grade on the job." He then asked, "Did any disobey?"

Margaret nodded and sighed, "Yes. Two vehicons. I only killed one. The one I killed blamed it on his friend and I thought that was complete betrayal, so...I just killed him and let the other one go."

Megatron sighed, "That was the right thing to do. I'm proud of you my dear. But I'm afraid your not going to be happy when I tell you this..."

Margaret became scared and asked, "What's wrong?"

Megatron grumbled, "I am staying another month in space. It seems that my project is taking a little longer than it should be."

Margaret whispered, "Damn it."

Megatron sighed, "I'll be back soon dear. Just hold on for another month. Soundwave can help."

Margaret nodded and said, "I love you father."

Megatron sighed, "I love you more."

Margaret chuckled, "I love you to infinity and beyond."

Megatron smiled and cut off the signal.

Margaret let a tear slip down her cheek as she turned away from the monitor to face Annie.

Annie sighed, "It's going to be okay. He'll be home faster than you know it."

Margaret took off her tiara and stared at it. She whispered, "Primus I hope so...I think I'm going to have a spark attack."

Annie sighed and took Margaret's tiara and put it on Margaret's dresser. She hugged her and said, "Let's go to bed, sis. Just tell Soundwave to take control and you'll be ready to lead in the morning."

Margaret nodded and sighed, "Ok." She walked outside and ran right into Predaking's foot. He chuckled and picked her up. Margaret rubbed her head and sighed, "Hello, love."

Predaking kissed Margaret's forehead and said, "Hello, my princess." Then he asked, "Where are you off to?"

Margaret yawned, "To the bridge, to tell Soundwave that I'm too tired and I need to sleep."

Predaking nodded and said, "I'll take you there."

-The Bridge-

"Soundwave I need rest, can you take over?" Margaret asked as she entered the bridge with Predaking.

Soundwave turned from the computer he was working on and nodded silently.

Margaret smiled and said, "Thanks Sounders."

Predaking and Margaret left the room and went to rest.

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