| E l e v e n |

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A chorus of blasphemous slurs came from the treehouse up above and I could feel my blood boiling at the sound. I rushed to climb up the ladder, almost to the top when a certain sentence froze me.

"What do you want with Tyler?" Josh's voice was stern, much different to the deadly force in his words from a few seconds ago.

"What the hell are you talking about?" The atmosphere quickly turned sour as the two began bickering once again.

"You honestly want me to believe you won't just use him? You're a fucking..."

"A what, Joshua?" Chills ran down my spine as my fist tightened around the rope ladder.

"You're a whore. I'm surprised you don't have poor little children running around your feet having to deal with your lies."

"You shut your fucking mouth, Joshua. Do you honestly think I want anything to do with him? I'm not an idiot. Assume about what I am all you want, but you have no idea who I am, and I suggest you keep it that way. That goes for you as well, Tyler." My stomach dropped as footsteps neared the entrance of the treehouse, where I was still frozen on the rope ladder. I slowly glanced up, sighing as my eyes met Aria's.

"Hey...guys..." I bit my lip as she held her hand out, helping me into the treehouse. I stared at my feet, avoiding Josh's harsh glare.

"I'm assuming you heard all of it?" I slowly nodded,  fidgeting and almost screaming when Aria reached out to grab a hold on my shoulder. She froze at my reaction, shoving her hands in her jean pockets and walking towards Josh.

"I was serious. You have no idea who I am, and it's best if you kept it that way, both of you."

"No," The simple word came from my mouth appalling me and throwing my train of thought off it's rails.

"No?" I nodded, balling my hands to keep them from visibly shaking.

"No. We've known each other for a week, and you know so much about Josh and I, without us having to say a word to you. What do we know about you? We know you're quiet about your life, and I, I'm tired of the secrecy, okay? You don't have to give us an autobiography, but we at least deserve to know what you're doing here." Her head tilted a bit and Josh glanced at her still figure, suddenly aware of the truth in my words were.

"What...I'm doing here?" Her feet shifted as she stood straight as a board, her arms tightly wrapping around her wide hips(not that I noticed how wide were).

"You never existed before now," Josh cleared his throat, glaring at me.

"You never existed in our lives before now." My stomach dropped as I realised my mistake, much too late to correct it. Although I expected Aria to scowl at me, she instead just laughed, shaking her head.

"What I'm doing here? I've been here for the last 17 years, babe. What are you doing here?"

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