| N i n e t e e n |

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i have the ending, of course, but i need the story to build up to that end, and im not so sure it's working out very well.

// Aria //

"Aria. Aria, Aria, Aria," I scrunched my eyebrows, prying my eyes open and forcing my head to turn to face the source of the annoyingly high pitched voice.

"What the fuck?" Arlo giggled, running a hand down my face.

"Need some water?" I glared at him, only nodding because it felt as though there was sand stuck in my throat. He straightened from his crouch, walking behind him and reaching for a water bottle.

"You're not supposed to be here." He clicked his tongue.

"You already forgot? Aw, Aria! You're my favourite–"


"–sister! You're supposed to know when I come to town!" I took a sip of water, my eyes almost rolling back as I let my head drop back onto my pillow.

"What the hell do you even fucking want?" Arlo smiled even wider, making him look like the Cheshire cat. 

"I have an order I need you to get out to Bismarck,"

"Done, can you go now?"

"And I need you to let me stay here–"

"Fuck yourself and get out." He sighed, his head dropping as he stood and waddled to the door.

"Two weeks is all I'm asking. Two. Weeks." I stared at my hands, which gently rested in my lap. My eyes pooled with tears as I yanked myself off of my bed, slamming my fists against the wall.

"You fucking asshole!" The sound of my fists pounding against my lilac walls resonated throughout the whole house, shaking the glass chandelier as my bottled up pent slowly poured out of my tear ducts.

I suddenly went numb, unable to feel my hands and incapable of letting any more tears stream down my cheeks. Instead, I slowly backed away from the dented wall, reaching towards my dresser and snatching up my phone and colourful hoodie, which I assume had been taken off of me when I passed out. My thoughts were hazy, scattered around as I fumbled through my texts, looking for someone to distract me.

But I didn't text anyone. I couldn't. All I could do was scroll through my list of contacts, never gaining the nerve to actually cry out to someone to come and save me from my mental hell. It was my problem, wasn't it? Why bring someone else into it when they'll turn into my equivalent?

Running my hands through my hair, I set a goal for myself:

Keep Tyler and Josh as far away from my personal life as possible.

But even if I wanted to do this, Josh was getting fidgety and could eventually figure me out. And when he does, there's no doubt that he'll tell Tyler. What then? Would he still treat me like his princess when he finds out I'm Hell's queen?


lmao my writers block gets worse as the days stretch on im so sorry wow

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