| T w e n t y - O n e |

21 1 0

this is so shit ffs i hate it

// Tyler //

"You seem out of it, are you okay?" Aria gently rested her head on my shoulder, her hands grazing the blanket underneath us.

"My anxiety kept me up for a while last night. I'm just tired." I lied through gritted teeth, the worry eating me away as she hesitated before looking up.

"You could've called me..."

"I know," I glanced at anything and everything just to avoid her sharp eyes, "my phone was dead though. I was at the aquarium with Josh all day yesterday." Liar.

"Oh." The weather had warmed up a bit, but not by much. It was cool enough to where Aria and I decided to bring a few light blankets to the treehouse, lying on them as our fingers were tightly laced together. The ceiling was half filled with glow-in-the-dark stars, the remaining fifty or so left scattered on the ground beside us.

The atmosphere was mushy and tense with no words thrown to ease the silence. We were frozen in a cold, deadly ice, and I almost wanted to start an argument just so that things weren't as cold anymore, but I didn't have the heart to argue for no reason. Not with someone like Aria.

"Uhm, I got you a stuffed animal.." She sat up, eyes searching mine, almost puzzled as I held a plush penguin over her. She let her back drop onto the floor again, reaching up just above her to the plush animal, her fingertips just grazing it. Her intense stare dropped, a child-like expression adorning her features.

She had a gentle grip on it, lightly tugging so I'd let go. She pulled it close to her chest as soon as my hands dropped to my side, her eyes sparkling as she turned to catch my stare.

"Thanks, Ty." She smiled, gently leaning up and pressing her lips against mine. I let my hand roam up the back of her shirt, pulling her deeper into our burning kiss. A moan emitted from her lips, my skin suddenly too hot for me to handle.

I gently pulled away, pressing a kiss to her forehead before pulling her onto my chest. I kept a hand on the back of her head, trying my best to not hurt her but also trying to not let her see my burning face.

"It's starting to rain," I noted. Aria nodded, relaxing as she melted into me. It was a gentle patter, soothing to listen to. The door, as well as the windows, were shut, providing a natural safety that we had both learned to adore.

It was only then that I realised how head-over-heels I was for Aria, my love only growing to become more difficult to contain. She was a heaven sent angel, and for the first time in a while, I felt whole again.

I felt...whole.

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