Chapter 1: Meeting Acnologia

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It was the year X768 and I was on my own walking in the forest. I've been an orphan for about two weeks now. My parent's village and everyone in it died from an attack. I was the only survivor. While I was walking, I heard a loud roar and ran for my life. Then, a black dragon with blue scales flew down to me. "Hello child. I won't hurt you. Why are you all alone." I backed up a bit "I don't have anywhere to live Mr. Dragon. My parents and the villagers in a village that I lived in died in a fire.." The Dragon saddened "The name's Acnologia. Would you like to learn elemental dragon slayer magic? I can teach you." My eyes widen in excitement "Really?! You would teach me?! That sounds awesome!" I started to jump for joy "I see that I made you extremely happy. What's your name little one." I smiled "I'm Angel. Angel Heartfillia." "Well Ms Heartfillia, you will become one of the strongest dragon slayers in Fiore." Years had gone by. I learned all the elements. There was fire, earth, water and wind. "Ok Angel. I want you to show me your fire dragon roar." I nodded "Fire Dragon roar!!!!" I had burned down about three trees "Good. Now use your water magic to put out the fire." I nodded "Water dragon! Water wave!" I put out the fire in a matter of seconds "That was amazing. You've leaned so much these past years. I'm very proud of you." I smiled "Thank you. Can you teach me Dragon force please. I already know all the secret arts of dragon slayer magic and I think, no, I know I'm ready to learn Dragon force." Acnologia smiled "Of course I'll teach you. It will take you about a year to master it. Are you ready?" I smiled "Of course I am! I want to be the strongest Dragon slayer there is!" Acnologia chuckled and we started training. Another year had passed and it was now the year X777. I had woken up one morning and Acnologia was nowhere to be found "Papa? Where are you!" I started to tear up. I look to my right and notice that there was a note written in the dirt "Dear sweetheart. I have to go away for a very long time. You have become so strong and I'm proud of you. If you walk for a couple of days, you will reach a place called Magnolia. There's a guild called Fairy Tail and I would like you to join it. However, I want you to wait a few years until you join. You need to keep training until you're ready. If you look to your left, you will see an egg. That egg carries an exceed. It should hatch by tomorrow. Take care Angel and train hard. Love Acnologia." I had started crying by the end of the message. I took the egg and waited for it to hatch. The next day came and the egg cracked. A black cat appeared "Well hello you cute little kitten." It smiled "Hello Angel." I backed up a bit "You talked!" "Yes I did. I'm a boy by the way. I don't have a name so would you like to name me?" I smiled "I'll name you Rory." I like that name. Now let's travel and train!" I smiled and Rory and I went on a five year quest to train hard.

Angel the Elemental Dragon Slayer {Watty's 2017}Where stories live. Discover now