Chapter 37: Loosing Memories

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I was still down on my knees and the forest became dead. Erza then found me five minutes later "Angel? What happened to the forest. Are you ok?" "Erza..?" My eyes were red from crying "Why are you crying. What happened." "Zeref happened Erza and he's been controlling the outcome of my life. He even said that in the next few years, Natsu and I will fight to the death..." She widened her eyes in shock "Seriously? Angel, That will never happen." "Erza, Natsu and I have died before. Zeref resurrected us. I don't know how Natsu died when he was young but, I died when the village I lived in was on fire. There were no survivors. Zeref passed by the village and found me. He then resurrected me and then left me on my own. He planned for me to meet Acnologia. I'm a demon from the book of Zeref and so is Natsu. Natsu just doesn't know it yet." Erza came up to me "Angel, don't believe anything Zeref says. You're no demon Angel. You're the sweetest and kindest person I know." I smiled and hugged Erza "Thank you Erza." "You're welcome Angel. Natsu was getting worried about you. We should go back." I then ended the hug "Ya.. Ok." I went back with Erza to Porlyusica's place and went in the room where Natsu was "So what was the dark aura Angel." "It was Zeref but nothing you should worry about." "Oh. Okay." I sighed and felt this pain in my chest. My eyes then changed colour "You okay Angel?" "Y-ya.. I just need a sec outside." I went outside and I started to transform into my demon form. I ran far away from Porlyusica's place because I didn't want to hurt anyone "Curse you Zeref.." I then grew wings and horns "Well, well well. I see you couldn't hold your transformation." Zeref smirked "How do you like being one of my demons." I was so full of anger that I attacked Zeref head on. He dodged my attack "Do you want to die? Haven't you forgotten that if you get near me, my curse will kill you?" "It won't if I kill you first!!" I kept attacking Zeref with everything I had. Natsu had followed me and and saw everything "Stop this Zeref! Your fight is not with her." "Well, well, well. Isn't it my dear brother Natsu. How do you like Angel's new form." Zeref smirked and he snapped his fingers. I was now under his control
~Natsu's POV~
"What did you do to her Zeref. Let her go!" My brother just chuckled "Angel can't hear you now Natsu. I control her." I growled and attacked Zeref head on. But he used Angel as a shield and my attack hit her "No Angel! Damn you Zeref! Just let her go!" Zeref sighed and let Angel go "I'll be back soon Natsu. Don't think this is over." Zeref disappeared and the horns and wings on Angel disappeared and I ran to her
~Angel's POV~
"Wh-what happened.." I opened my eyes slowly. I didn't remember anything that had happened in the past few minutes and some of my other memories were hazy as well "Angel! Thank goodness you're okay. Do you remember anything that happened?" "No. What happened." "You mean you don't remember Zeref and what he did to you?" "Zeref? Who's Zeref." Natsu's face then turned pale and Natsu hugged me tight "What's with the hug. Is something wrong Natsu?" He then kissed me. A part of me forgot that we were together but I kissed back "You kissed me.." "Why wouldn't I kiss you. Angel, what did Zeref do to you." "I-I don't know! I don't even know who he is! I-I just need to be alone." I got up and ran as fast as I could. I then found a tree and sat under it. I started to cry and the more I cried, the more I started to loose myself. Nothing was making sense anymore. My surroundings and who I was as a person. Natsu came after me and I was still crying "Angel.. Come back with me to the guild." "The guild? Where's the guild. You mean Fairy Tail? But I'm not part of Fairy Tail." "Yes you are. Did you bump your head or something?" "I-I don't know who I am anymore.. Nothing is making sense to me.." Natsu then picked me up "You just need rest. You'll remember everything soon." I fell asleep in Natsu's arms. When I woke up, my surroundings were not familiar to me at all "Where am I." I looked around and then realized that I might be in the guild. I found the stairs and went downstairs "Hey G-Gramps." I smiled at him "How are you feeling Angel." "I'm-I'm feeling ok. For some reason though, everything around me seems weird. It's- it's like all my surroundings are new to me." "I see. Well, why don't you talk with the others. They were worried about you." I nodded and went to the others "Hey Natsu. Hi Erz-" I couldn't say her name. It's like I have forgotten it "Angel? You okay?" "Ya. I'm fine Erz-" There I go again. I wasn't able to say her name "Why can't you say my name Angel." "I don't know. It's almost like I forgot it for some reason. Natsu, can I talk to you for a sec." He nodded and I went into the corner of the guild with him "What's happening to me Natsu. Why couldn't I say her name." I started to panic "Calm down Angel. It's ok. We'll figure this out." I then grabbed my head "That Zeref guy is doing something to my head. I just know it." Natsu then got angry "If he did, he's going to get it." Natsu then wanted to run out of the guild to find Zeref "Natsu don't. What if he turns me back into my demon form. I need you to help me. I don't want to hurt anyone." "Fine. I won't" I smiled and then grabbed my head again. It was pounding badly "I think I just need to rest a bit. I'm going to go back to my apartment. Come on Rory." Natsu then just looked at me and saddened "Angel, Rory's gone remember?" I gave a confused look "No he's not. He's right beside you Natsu." There and then, I started to go insane.

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