Chapter 10: Holy War

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A few days have now passed and Gray and I are dating. Juvia keeps sending me death glares but I don't care. I know she likes Gray but she obsess over him. It's kinda creepy "Hey Angel, do you want to do a job with me? It will be just the two of us." I smiled at Gray "Sure. I would love to." When Gray and I finished our job, Gramps told us about people coming after Lucy and taking some clock handle from her that her dad gave her. I was shocked and then they told us something about a Holy War "A Holy War? That's doesn't sound too good. Church's have been attacked too?! This just isn't right. When I find those posers who are doing this, they're going to pay big time!" "That's my girl." Gray smiled at me. Later that day, we went to Lucy's old place to find clues on what the clock handle was about and what it was used for. Lucy found a book that her father left for her and tried to solve an anagram. When she solved it, she found two books that relate to what we were looking for. Then, some cat and another dude came in and we attacked them. But, our attacks were useless. He deflected them "How is that even possible! He deflected our attacks." The guy named Damn Straight saw Lucy and he started to act weird. I think he was starting to like Lucy. He then attacked us again and took the book. The cat memorized it and gave the book back. Natsu was turned small so I turned him back to normal size with my magic "Here Natsu. Let me turn you back to normal." I said a spell and Natsu was turned back to normal "Thanks Angel." "No problem." I smiled. We went back to the guild and Lucy read the book. Erza then made teams so we could try to find each place a piece of the clock could be. I was teamed up with Juvia and Gray. "Juvia, please stop sending me death glares! I'm with Gray so get over it!" She backed up a bit "Better." I held Gray's hand. Lyon suddenly came behind us "What are you doing here Lyon." He smiled "I came to make sure you're ok. You would be rusty after all. You were stuck in an island for seven years." "I am not rusty!" I huffed "I have stronger magic then you so don't say that I'm rusty!" Lyon followed us as we kept walking. He knew about the pieces and wanted to find them himself. We then reached a place and and there was some sort of rock guardian. Juvia attacked its glowing eye and the door under it opened "Nice! Let's go in." When we went in, I noticed these blocks with arrows and I put four of them in a square section. They then moved and a huge light formed "I don't know if this is light or if it's magic." We were sent to another room "What the. This place looks scary Gray." "Don't worry. I'm here with you so don't be scared." "Ok." I smiled. Then, someone from the enemy showed up and attacked us "You messed with the wrong people! Sky Dragon Roar!!!!" The blonde guy named Sugarboy was sent flying back "That was easy."

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