Chapter 4: Joing Erza's Team

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"Angel, I want you to join our team." Erza smiled at me "Really Erza! I would love to join your team! Can we go on a job now please!" She chuckled "Sure. Let's go to the board and pick one." I walked to the board and picked one that would give us a five million jewl reward "Wow! Five million jewls! That's a lot! I can finally get an apartment of my own!" Erza smiled "I see that we have to catch a group of bandits. That shouldn't be so hard." Lucy, Gray, Natsu, Erza and I went to the train station to go to the town of flowers. What I didn't know was that Natsu got motion sick "Natsu? You ok? You don't look too good." "Flamebrain has motion sickness." Gray piped up "I see. I can fix that." I sat beside Natsu and said a healing spell "Troya!" Natsu's motion sickness was cured "Thanks Angel. I feel better now. What did you do." "You're welcome and I used a healing spell that heals motion sickness." "You should come on jobs with us more often." "I will." I then suddenly grab my head. I was seeing images of a place that wasn't familiar to me at all "Angel? What's wrong. Are you ok?" "I don't know why but I keep seeing images of a place that I've never been to before. It was a guild that looked exactly like Fairy Tail but everyone looked different and Erza wasn't in the guild. Gray, you had too many clothes on and Lucy had some punk rock outfit on. That's all I saw just now." "That's weird..." Erza had a confused look on her face. After an hour, we reached the town of flowers "We're here!" We got off the train and went to our client. He told us that the bandits were going to rob a bank so he wanted us to stay in the bank vault over night to catch the bandits. When the bandits came that night, we attacked them "Fire Dragon! Iron fist!" I hit one of the bandits and they were knocked out cold. The others defeated the other bandits and we brought them to jail. We received the five million jewels and each of us got a million jewels each. "I can't wait to get my own apartment with this money! I'm so excited!" "Can I crash there tonight if you get a place tonight?" Gray smiled. I then blushed a lot "S-sure..." "Thanks Angel." We went back to the train station and I used my motion sickness healing spell on Natsu again for the ride home. That night, I had gotten a place of my own and Gray crashed there. "Thanks again for letting me stay here for the night. You got a nice place." "You're welcome Gray and no problem. I only got one bed though and still have to buy a couch.." "It's ok. I'll figure out something." I fell asleep on my bed and when I woke up, Gray was laying right beside me "Gray slept with me last night? Oh wow..." My face was covered in blush.

Angel the Elemental Dragon Slayer {Watty's 2017}Where stories live. Discover now